2/24/25 Trump Carter My Tumors/King/USA Mirrors Iran


Taken 10/2023 @ 62 before lump discoveries.

 Laurie Allen


Police immunity United  States

Qualified Immunity is a judicially created doctrine in the United States that shields government officials, including police officers, from being held personally liable for constitutional violations, such as excessive force, under federal law, as long as they did not violate “clearly established” law.

Key Principles:

  1. Clearly Established Law: The doctrine requires that the law be clearly established at the time of the alleged violation, making it difficult for plaintiffs to overcome qualified immunity.
  2. Reasonable Officer: The Supreme Court has emphasized that the doctrine is intended to protect “all but the plainly incompetent or those who knowingly violate the law.” A reasonable officer standard is applied, making it challenging for plaintiffs to demonstrate that the officer’s conduct was unreasonable.
  3. Two-Part Test: Courts apply a two-part test to determine whether qualified immunity applies:
    • Did the officer violate a constitutional right?
    • Was the right clearly established at the time of the violation?

Challenges and Criticisms:

  1. Difficulty in Overcoming Immunity: The doctrine’s requirements make it challenging for plaintiffs to overcome qualified immunity, leading to few successful lawsuits against police officers.
  2. Lack of Accountability: Critics argue that qualified immunity allows police officers to engage in unconstitutional behavior with impunity, undermining accountability and trust in law enforcement.
  3. Narrowing of Constitutional Protections: The doctrine’s emphasis on “clearly established law” can lead to a narrowing of constitutional protections, as courts may not recognize new or evolving rights.

Proposed Reforms:

  1. Abolishing Qualified Immunity: Some propose abolishing qualified immunity altogether, while others suggest modifying the doctrine to make it easier for plaintiffs to overcome immunity.
  2. Statutory Changes: Congress has introduced bills aimed at limiting qualified immunity, such as the Justice in Policing Act, which would prevent state and local law enforcement officers from raising qualified immunity as a defense in civil rights suits.

Recent Developments:

  1. Supreme Court Cases: The Supreme Court has addressed qualified immunity in several recent cases, including Malley v. Briggs (1986), Pearson v. Callahan (2009), and Vega v. Tekoh (2022).
  2. Congressional Action: The Justice in Policing Act, introduced in response to nationwide protests over police brutality, includes provisions aimed at limiting qualified immunity.
  3. State and Local Reforms: Some states and local governments have adopted reforms to limit qualified immunity or create alternative immunity doctrines.


Police immunity in the United States is a complex and controversial issue. While the doctrine was intended to balance accountability and protection for government officials, its application has been criticized for undermining constitutional protections and allowing police officers to engage in unconstitutional behavior with impunity. Ongoing debates and proposed reforms aim to address these concerns and ensure greater accountability and transparency in law enforcement.

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On Mon, Feb 24, 2025, 1:33 AM Laurie Allen <beheard.me55@gmail.com> wrote:
Maine State House Chip Curry, Jan Dodge, and Valerie Geiger,

This was also sent to massive media, with global attention to my blog. You may never have this power to change this course of horror again. Please gather your House. Say my name. 

Laurie Allen

2/24/25 Also sent to President Trump at White   House  . gov @ 12:35 am today.
"2/22/25 Facebook Messenger to the White House @ 5:40 am. Sent. 

 "Governor Janet Mills is InhuMaine System Take, Intake, Break, Rape 4 Profit by JURCC (JustUsRapingCultedClub). Illegally & confidently has violated law, to   hurt my children, take all, &  kill me for exposing her filth, 14 years & counting. First hand documented. Using federal funding from the Affordable Care Act and Low Income Heating Assistance program to assist. Interview me, please. Tell your social media this, President Trump. See Boycottbelfast.blogspot. com & SenatorAngusKing.blogspot. com."

 Read more on Trump threatens to withhold federal funding from Maine, has exchange with Mills athttps://www.wabi.tv/2025/02/21/trump-threatens-withhold-federal-education-funding-maine/

... Trump shot back: “We are the federal law.”

Please stop Maine Governor Janet Mills from federal funding fleecing. Please interview me.

Thank you,

Laurie Allen"
Also sent to President Trump at White   House  . gov @ 12:35 am today.
"2/22/25 Facebook Messenger to the White House @ 5:40 am. Sent.

 "Governor Janet Mills is InhuMaine System Take, Intake, Break, Rape 4 Profit by JURCC (JustUsRapingCultedClub). Illegally & confidently has violated law, to   hurt my children, take all, &  kill me for exposing her filth, 14 years & counting. First hand documented. Using federal funding from the Affordable Care Act and Low Income Heating Assistance program to assist. Interview me, please. Tell your social media this, President Trump. See Boycottbelfast.blogspot. com & SenatorAngusKing.blogspot. com."

 Read more on Trump threatens to withhold federal funding from Maine, has exchange with Mills at https://www.wabi.tv/2025/02/21/trump-threatens-withhold-federal-education-funding-maine/

... Trump shot back: “We are the federal law.”

Please stop Maine Governor Janet Mills from federal funding fleecing. Please interview me.

Thank you,

Laurie Allen"

2/22/25 Facebook Messenger to the White House @ 5:40 am. Sent. 

 "Governor Janet Mills is InhuMaine System Take, Intake, Break, Rape 4 Profit by JURCC (JustUsRapingCultedClub). Illegally & confidently has violated law, to   hurt my children, take all, &  kill me for exposing her filth, 14 years & counting. First hand documented. Using federal funding from the Affordable Care Act and Low Income Heating Assistance program to assist. Interview me, please. Tell your social media this, President Trump. See Boycottbelfast.blogspot. com & SenatorAngusKing.blogspot. com."

 Read more on Trump threatens to withhold federal funding from Maine, has exchange with Mills at https://www.wabi.tv/2025/02/21/trump-threatens-withhold-federal-education-funding-maine/

... Trump shot back: “We are the federal law.”

“You better do it because you’re not going to get any federal funding at all if you don’t,” he said, adding that Maine may be a Democratic state, but its residents largely agree with him on the issue.

“I’ll see you in court,” Mills responded.

“Good. I’ll see you in court,” he said. “I look forward to that. That should be a real easy one. And enjoy your life after, governor, because I don’t think you’ll be in elected politics.” ...

Mills released a statement Friday night saying:

“I have spent my career – as a District Attorney, as Attorney General, and now as Governor – standing up for the rule of law in Maine and America. To me, that is fundamentally what is at stake here: the rule of law in our country. " ...



President Trump threatens withholding all Federal funding to State of InhuMaine. Do it. Corrupt misuse & abuse. See SenatorAngusKing.blogspot. com & BoycottBelfast.blogspot. com



Boycottbelfast.blogspot & SenatorAngusKing.blogspot

To both Outlook email lists, Facebook, Messenger. The White House.gov contact Biden has been hacked to prevent further information. As if that clears to feign integrity. "Character. Character. Character."

Please play the entire 2 hour video. To listen if you can't watch this important and relevant life. Resonating mine. Right or wrong, easy choice, hard to live in this world of wrong. Each dedication spoken amplifies compassionate, honest, living to give and protect. Solidifying the abuse to women and children at each speaking. 

The 5 living Presidents in attendance and enabling the abuse, allowing system rape and punishments. Protect their own. Open season for women and children. The foundation of humanity. 

Boycott Raping Foundations. Step one. Free and honor the me's that cannot be anyone else. We do. https://youtu.be/Vj_08k-sLIo?feature=shared

Laurie Allen 

1/7/25 8 am Sent to both Outlook email thread lists, posted on Facebook & BoycottBelfast.blogspot

Maine State Senator Chip Curry and Maine State House Representative Jan Dodge,

Both of your homes are down the road from me in Belfast. Neither one of you have ever contacted me, having full knowledge, documentation and years of State to local corruption, reported by me. First hand and life threats to me and mine are continuous.

You have known of LiHeap with my supplier, Maine Fuels, Searsport, destroying my furnace in 2020. After years of corrupting my benefits. You have known that my only heat source since has been one wood stove using bio bricks. EBS Hardware had been my supplier since 2013. Then Hammond Lumber bought EBS and ended my purchases. I then sourced from Aubuchon for 3 years and then they tainted bio bricks with a "special order" of unknown fire bricks which caused me to cancel. I was able to pick up certified bricks for last winter and this winter with my truck. My 2007 truck inspection sticker expired 8/31/2024. I haven't any transportation and can't use Waldo Cap transportation, as funded by State. 

All systems are abusive, threatening, fabricating and in force to silence, mob mentality tactics. Federal to State. State to Local. Healthcare to Deathcare, Insurance to insurance. Business to business. College to school. Church to Non-profits, neighbor to neighbor. No way out for me. Turning it up beyond conscience. So horrible and sadistic, this some 50 year system takeover. All fear for themselves. 

This year appears to be the final slice to my life. Years of abuse and harm, terror tactics to break most, breast lump detection 11/2023, the State with MaineHealth cuffed and kidnapped me into their hells, 2017-2022. Fabricating me as a terrorist felon with persecutory delusional mental illness! Taking my blood, force drugging me, poisoning food and drink with toxins, mental abuse, felony after felony, on and on  How can you and yours live with this? Enabling worse for children of all and any age to death that any profit may make and take.

Below is Community Health Options now rejecting my last form of communication through Gmail. After, I informed them, State and all of paying my 2025 policy in full. In hopes of getting to Mount Sinai, NYC for testing of 11/2023 lumps. Held hostage, unable to seek care or help anywhere. Retribution by JURCC enforced. Proven and documented. Community Health Options is following.

I am the worthy scapegoat. Use me. Make Belfast the truth. For children. For all. I don't want to die in this house surrounded by hell. I don't want my children to be punished continually and worsen with this house and system takings. We didn't create any of this. Corrupt government did. Accountability corrects. What else can I do to help?

To all reading this with conscience, PLEASE demand that President Biden pardon Laurie Allen and get this publicized nationally. That will begin the stopping. Cutting my emails is my last communication form. To die for. Their madness.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915

From: Community Health Options <noreply@healthoptions.org>
Sent: Monday, January 6, 2025 3:52 PM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Subject: An important message from Community Health Options

Dear Member,

We are trying to contact you with a time-sensitive message.

Please take action and contact our Member Services team by Monday, January 13, 2025. We are available at (855) 624-6463, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

We value your membership and look forward to serving your health insurance needs.


Member Services


From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon@googlemail.com>
Date: Sat, Jan 4, 2025, 8:12 AM
Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
To: <beheard.me55@gmail.com>

Message not delivered

Your message couldn't be delivered to memberservices@healthoptions.com because the remote server is misconfigured. See technical details below for more information.
The response from the remote server was:

554 5.7.1 : Relay access denied

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Laurie Allen <beheard.me55@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Jan 4, 2025, 8:12 AM
Subject: 2025 Policy Paid In Full
To: <memberservices@healthoptions.com>, <hilary.schneider@maine.gov>
Cc: ...

Community Health Options Member Services and Affordable Care Act, Coverme.gov, OHIM Director Hilary Schneider,

Due to documented series of attempts by the OHIM over the past 5 years to corrupt my federal APTC, to date, is the following:

1. For 2025, Coverme.gov 12/2/24 letter advised my 2025 APTC benefit is $1128.

2. My chosen Gold plan through Community Health Options monthly premium is $1602.24.

3. Without an invoice by 12/15/24, I bill paid $474.24 through Camden National Bank to Community Health Options, PO Box 1121, Lewiston, Maine. The address on my CHO ID card. This check paid out on 1/2/25 per my CNB records.

4. Community Health Options in the interim, through Hilary Schneider's vague email to me, advised me of a higher APTC benefit of $1219.00 per month.
$1602.24-$1219.00 = $383.24.

5. As of today, 1/4/2025, I have not received a invoice for February 1, 2025. The 1/2/25 due date invoice was received via USPS on 12/22/25 at full premium of $1602.24. No APTC benefit per Hilary Schneider's private communications to Community Health Options (per her vague 12/15/24 email to me advising that she worked with her team, sent her results to CHO and that I would be receiving an invoice from CHO shortly.

6. After that vague email, I sent a series of screenshots from my coverme.gov 12/2/24 successful application, with my yearly income/finances and confirmation of $1128.00 APTC.

7. Next, Community Health Options advised me that my APTC is $1219.00 per month.

For my coverage protection, I have bill paid my 2025 CHO Gold plan in full. 11 months at CHO advisement, $383.24. Totaling $4215.64 to the invoiced address, Community Health Options, P.O. Box 986529, Boston, MA 02298-6529., with an estimated delivery date of 1/14/25. 

My 1/2/2025 payment of $474.24 will leave a $91.00 credit provided the new APTC of $1219.00 is accurate and confirmed through yet to be received billings or postal letters from Coverme.gov/Hilary Schneider.

I have paid my full yearly premium in the past to Community Health Options without issue. I await the postal delivery, hard copy of my entire Gold plan policy per below Gmail.

Thank you,
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915

 From: MemberServices <memberservices@healthoptions.org>
Date: Fri, Jan 3, 2025, 10:47 AM
Subject: RE: Fwd: ENTIRE POLICY 4th Request
To: beheard.me55@gmail.com <beheard.me55@gmail.com>

Dear Ms. Allen,

Thank you for contacting Community Health Options. Our goal is to answer all of your questions with courtesy and respect.
Your entire policy was mailed on 01/02/2025. Community Health Options has not received your payment yet of $474.24. The first premium payment due date for January has been extended until 01/31/2025. Going forward all payments will be due on the 1st of each month.

1/1/25 Sent to both lists @ 7:30am

Continuing difficulties. 

From: LaurieAllen <beheard.me55@gmail.com>

Date: Wed, Jan 1, 2025, 7:18 AM
Subject: Fwd: ENTIRE POLICY 4th Request
To: MemberServices <memberservices@healthoptions.org>
Cc: ...

1/1/2025, 7:18am Gmail

Community Health Options Member Services,

Per your request (below) for verification, " as it is stated on your policy: ", 
is not within my purview. My now 5th request is for my entire policy. In your 12/2824 response, 
"We have mailed all plan documents (Member Benefit Agreement, Schedule of Benefits, and Summary of Benefits) to 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast, Maine 04915 as requested"
you have mailed partial documents without verification. 

My birthday is ... , the last 4 digits of my social security number are ..., and according to my member ID card, ID .... Whatever the policy reflects was input by Community Health Options Insurance and unknown to me. 

1. Please confirm postal mailing date of my entire policy, " " The plan that you are enrolled in to start 01/01/2025 is the Health Options Clear Choice Gold $2500 PPO NE. The total monthly premium for this plan is $1,602.24 and you have an Advanced Premium Tax Credit of $1,219.00 applied to your monthly premium. Your monthly responsibility is $383.24. "

2. Please confirm receipt of my payment,
"5. 12/23/24 7:24 am message advising of my ...for 1/2025 CHO coverage of $474.24, mailed 12/23/24 to Community Health Options, PO Box 1121, Lewiston, Maine 04243. I had not received any invoice from CHO and to avoid any cancellation, I sent payment according to information provided to me and mailing address from my CHO ID card. "

Thank you,

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915

From: MemberServices <memberservices@healthoptions.org>
Date: Tue, Dec 31, 2024, 12:45 PM
Subject: RE: ENTIRE POLICY 4th Request
To: beheard.me55@gmail.com <beheard.me55@gmail.com>

Dear Ms. Allen,

Thank you for contacting Community Health Options. Our goal is to answer all of your questions with courtesy and respect.
In order to review your account specifically, please reply to this email and confirm at least one more piece of information from the list below as it is stated on your policy:
• Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy) 
• Member ID Number 
• Last Four Digits of your Social Security Number

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to respond to this email

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Laurie Allen <beheard.me55@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Dec 31, 2024, 6:58 AM
Subject: ENTIRE POLICY 4th Request
To: <memberservices@healthoptions.org>
Cc: ...

Member Services,

Thank for your response to my 12/28/24 email (A). I have pasted my request for a hard copy of my entire policy (B). Your response stated a summary was mailed. I must have the entire policy. 

Community Health Options stated (C), Screenshot of FB Messenger Community Health Options stating "Hi Laurie. If you would like to request a hard copy postal mailing of your entire policy, you must call Member Services and request this. It's not something we do."

PLEASE CONFIRM A NEW POSTAL MAILING, HARD COPY, OF MY ENTIRE POLICY. I cannot make or receive phone calls. Email is my ONLY communication.
" The plan that you are enrolled in to start 01/01/2025 is the Health Options Clear Choice Gold $2500 PPO NE. The total monthly premium for this plan is $1,602.24 and you have an Advanced Premium Tax Credit of $1,219.00 applied to your monthly premium. Your monthly responsibility is $383.24. The invoice was mailed on 12/20/24 but has the incorrect premium owed. We unfortunately do not generate off cycle invoices. You are currently set to receive documents in the mail…"

Thank you,
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915

(See A,B,&C below. Further reference is ... )


From: MemberServices <memberservices@healthoptions.org>
Date: Mon, Dec 30, 2024, 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: 2025 Invoice
To: beheard.me55@gmail.com <beheard.me55@gmail.com>

Dear Ms. Allen,

Thank you for contacting Community Health Options. Our goal is to answer all of your questions with courtesy and respect.
We have mailed all plan documents (Member Benefit Agreement, Schedule of Benefits, and Summary of Benefits) to 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast, Maine 04915 as requested. 

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to respond to this email or call Member Services at (855) 624-6463, weekdays between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM. 


From: Laurie Allen [beheard.me55@gmail.com]
Sent: 12/28/2024, 10:55 AM
To: memberservices@healthoptions.org
Subject: Re: Fwd: 2025 Invoice

Community Health Options Member Services,

This response is for documented clarification due to fraudulent attempts to deny my coverage.


 9. 12/27/24 via USPS @ 2 pm -Community Health Options invoice #1-0004509-012025,  for $1602.25, due 1/1/2025. ZERO $0.00 APTC, Advanced Premium Tax Credit. 


10. I do not know why or how my APTC of $1128 appears to have been increased to $1219 per your Gmail below, " The plan that you are enrolled in to start 01/01/2025 is the Health Options Clear Choice Gold $2500 PPO NE. The total monthly premium for this plan is $1,602.24 and you have an Advanced Premium Tax Credit of $1,219.00 applied to your monthly premium. Your monthly responsibility is $383.24. The invoice was mailed on 12/20/24 but has the incorrect premium owed. We unfortunately do not generate off cycle invoices. You are currently set to receive documents in the mail…"

lowering my calculated billing from $474.24 to $383.24.

11. Due to the above and worse, it is imperative to postal mail the hard copy of my entire policy stated as "Health Options Clear Choice Gold $2500 PPO NE" via the Freedom of Information Act. 



Screenshot of FB Messenger Community Health Options stating "Hi Laurie. If you would like to request a hard copy postal mailing of your entire policy, you must call Member Services and request this. It's not something we do."

Sunday, November 10, 2024

12/28/24 Tumor Murder/Wings Up OHIM Fraud Pardon Time Sunny Sunday JURCC's



12/29/24 Sent to both lists.

Boycottbelfast.blogspot.com & SenatorAngusKing.blogspot.com


Is State of InhuMaine Affordable Care Act Coverme.go v OHIM Director Hilary Schneider  connected to PBS MPBN President Rick Schneider and Mr. Mole? JURCC Pandemic Nepotism.  Prior PBS/MPBN, danger neighbor Charles Beck and prior PBS/MPBN President Mark Vogelzang were both ousted because of their involvement exposed by me, Laurie Allen. First Hand & solo. Fourteen years & counting. 

12/28/24 Community Health Options Clean Summary #1-11 Sent & received via Gmail to memberservices@healthoptions.org & Community Health Options Facebook Messenger @ 11:15 am, 12/28/24 & White House Facebook Messenger to President Biden 11:50 am

Community Health Options Member Services, 

Below was sent by responding to the thread. A series of hacking occured. I will send this one message, summarizing documentation for coverage & hard copy postal mailing my policy to me.

"This response is for documented clarification due to fraudulent attempts to deny my coverage.

On 12/23/24 @7:24 am, Community Healthcare Options Facebook Messenger confirmation receipt of all documentation I have sent via messenger, 12/22/24-12/23/24:

1. Screenshot of 12/2/24 Coverme.go v application submitted confirmation

2. Screenshot of 12/2/24 Coverme.go v "Eligibility Results" Advanced Premium Tax Credit Savings $1128 benefit, starting 12/31/24.

3. Screenshot of Coverme.go v 12/2/24 " 2025 application " Income and Adjustment



 Laurie's estimated annual income for 202..."

4. Screenshot of Coverme.go v enrollment confirmation, time stamped 12/2/2024 10:57 UTC+00.00

5. 12/23/24 7:24 am message advising of my ...for 1/2025 CHO coverage of $474.24, mailed 12/23/24 to Community Health Options, PO Box 1121, Lewiston, Maine 04243. I had not received any invoice from CHO and to avoid any cancellation, I sent payment according to information provided to me and mailing address from my CHO ID card. 

6. 12/23/24 9:36 am message to CHO with post detailing hacking to prevent communications & Schneider's 12/18/24 Jargon email. See https://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/?m=0 for the entire  post sent. "The next screenshot was a vague attempt to conceal the federal felon. I am now unable to copy my emails. This is the exact email transcript from Director Hilary Schneider. Received via my Outlook email on Wednesday, 12/18/24 @ 8:49 am.

"Good morning, Ms. Allen, 

I am reaching out to let you know that I worked with our team to copy your 2024 financial assistance application to a 2025 financial assistance application, so that your APTC is applied to your 2025 policy. This information went through and has been transferred to Community Health Options. I expect you will hear from them soon with your 2025 plan premium with the APTC applied.


Hilary Schneider, Director, Office of the Health Insurance Marketplace, Maine Department of Health and Human Services hilary.schneider@maine.gov "

Schneider intentionally omits actual APTC amount of $1128.00 and writes jargon. Hence, my sending of screenshot proof documentation through Facebook Messenger. Over writing Schneider.

7. 12/23/24 10:21 am CHO Messenger confirmation "Hi Laurie. Confirmed."

8. 12/27/24 6:20 am messenger to CHO copy of 12/26/24, 7:24 am Community Health Options Gmail thread advising to apply my 12/23/24 overpayment to next billing and mailing of future invoices to Community Health Options, PO Box 986529, Boston, MA 02298-6529, as advised.

9. 12/27/24 via USPS @ 2 pm -Community Health Options invoice #1-0004509-012025,  for $1602.25, due 1/1/2025. ZERO $0.00 APTC, Advanced Premium Tax Credit. 


10. I do not know why or how my APTC of $1128 appears to have been increased to $1219 per your Gmail below, " The plan that you are enrolled in to start 01/01/2025 is the Health Options Clear Choice Gold $2500 PPO NE. The total monthly premium for this plan is $1,602.24 and you have an Advanced Premium Tax Credit of $1,219.00 applied to your monthly premium. Your monthly responsibility is $383.24. The invoice was mailed on 12/20/24 but has the incorrect premium owed. We unfortunately do not generate off cycle invoices. You are currently set to receive documents in the mail…"

lowering my calculated billing from $474.24 to $383.24.

11. Due to the above and worse, it is imperative to postal mail the hard copy of my entire policy stated as "Health Options Clear Choice Gold $2500 PPO NE" via the Freedom of Information Act. 

Please confirm the hard copy policy postal mailing date (to my home address, 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast, Maine 04915).

Laurie Allen "


Community Health Options Clean Summary #1-11 Sent & received via Gmail to memberservices@healthoptions.org & Community Health Options Facebook Messenger @ 11:15 am, 12/28/24, & White House Facebook Messenger to President Biden, 11:45 am 12/28/24.

Community Health Options Member Services, 

Below was sent by responding to the thread. A series of hacking occured. I will send this one message, summarizing documentation for coverage & hard copy postal mailing my policy to me.

"This response is for documented clarification due to fraudulent attempts to deny my coverage.

On 12/23/24 @7:24 am, Community Healthcare Options Facebook Messenger confirmation receipt of all documentation I have sent via messenger, 12/22/24-12/23/24:

1. Screenshot of 12/2/24 Coverme.go v application submitted confirmation

2. Screenshot of 12/2/24 Coverme.go v "Eligibility Results" Advanced Premium Tax Credit Savings $1128 benefit, starting 12/31/24.

3. Screenshot of Coverme.go v 12/2/24 " 2025 application " Income and Adjustment



 Laurie's estimated annual income for 202..."

4. Screenshot of Coverme.go v enrollment confirmation, time stamped 12/2/2024 10:57 UTC+00.00

5. 12/23/24 7:24 am message advising of my ...for 1/2025 CHO coverage of $474.24, mailed 12/23/24 to Community Health Options, PO Box 1121, Lewiston, Maine 04243. I had not received any invoice from CHO and to avoid any cancellation, I sent payment according to information provided to me and mailing address from my CHO ID card. 

6. 12/23/24 9:36 am message to CHO with post detailing hacking to prevent communications & Schneider's 12/18/24 Jargon email. See https://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/?m=0 for the entire  post sent. "The next screenshot was a vague attempt to conceal the federal felon. I am now unable to copy my emails. This is the exact email transcript from Director Hilary Schneider. Received via my Outlook email on Wednesday, 12/18/24 @ 8:49 am.

"Good morning, Ms. Allen, 

I am reaching out to let you know that I worked with our team to copy your 2024 financial assistance application to a 2025 financial assistance application, so that your APTC is applied to your 2025 policy. This information went through and has been transferred to Community Health Options. I expect you will hear from them soon with your 2025 plan premium with the APTC applied.


Hilary Schneider, Director, Office of the Health Insurance Marketplace, Maine Department of Health and Human Services hilary.schneider@maine.gov "

Schneider intentionally omits actual APTC amount of $1128.00 and writes jargon. Hence, my sending of screenshot proof documentation through Facebook Messenger. Over writing Schneider.

7. 12/23/24 10:21 am CHO Messenger confirmation "Hi Laurie. Confirmed."

8. 12/27/24 6:20 am messenger to CHO copy of 12/26/24, 7:24 am Community Health Options Gmail thread advising to apply my 12/23/24 overpayment to next billing and mailing of future invoices to Community Health Options, PO Box 986529, Boston, MA 02298-6529, as advised.

9. 12/27/24 via USPS @ 2 pm -Community Health Options invoice #1-0004509-012025,  for $1602.25, due 1/1/2025. ZERO $0.00 APTC, Advanced Premium Tax Credit. 


10. I do not know why or how my APTC of $1128 appears to have been increased to $1219 per your Gmail below, " The plan that you are enrolled in to start 01/01/2025 is the Health Options Clear Choice Gold $2500 PPO NE. The total monthly premium for this plan is $1,602.24 and you have an Advanced Premium Tax Credit of $1,219.00 applied to your monthly premium. Your monthly responsibility is $383.24. The invoice was mailed on 12/20/24 but has the incorrect premium owed. We unfortunately do not generate off cycle invoices. You are currently set to receive documents in the mail…"

lowering my calculated billing from $474.24 to $383.24.

11. Due to the above and worse, it is imperative to postal mail the hard copy of my entire policy stated as "Health Options Clear Choice Gold $2500 PPO NE" via the Freedom of Information Act. 

Please confirm the hard copy policy postal mailing date (to my home address, 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast, Maine 04915).

Laurie Allen "


12/27 8 am FB Msngr to Community Health Options (unable to send emails JustUsSystemHackers) - sign in portal does NOT recognize my email. As was last year. Yet, CHO email account confirmation sent to laurieallen55@msn.com. See screenshot. What was the wrong premium amount sent to me on 12/20/24 per your message? I have not received that invoice yet. (End of sent message with screenshot)

Hilary Schneider, OHIM, Cover me.gov, FEDERAL AFFORDABLE CARE ACT Director jargon on 12/18/24 (see her email in the 12/26/24 post) proves more felonious tactics. After receiving that, on 12/22/24 (see 12/26 post) I sent Community Health Options proof of my 12/2/24 successful application & benefit letter from coverme.gov APTC of $1128.00. 

Community Health Options had already sent Schneider's felonious "team" calculation. I messaged President Biden, with federal felon proof, requesting pardon and assistance protection to seek breast cancer testing at Mount Sinai, NYC. Confirmation message sent was received.


On Thu, Dec 26, 2024, 7:24 AM Laurie Allen <beheard.me55@gmail.com> wrote:
CHO Member Services, 

Thank you for your response. I had made and mailed my calculated premium payment of $484.24 to Community Health Options, PO Box 1121, Lewiston, Maine 04243. Please apply credit balance to next billing. The next payment will be e-check to PO Box 986529, Boston, MA 02298-6529 as instructed in your response.

Please confirm when hard copy postal mailing of my entire policy to 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast, ME 04915, will be mailed.

Thank you,
Laurie Allen

On Mon, Dec 23, 2024, 1:01 PM MemberServices <memberservices@healthoptions.org> wrote:
Dear Ms. Allen,

Thank you for contacting Community Health Options. Our goal is to answer all of your questions with courtesy and respect.

The plan that you are enrolled in to start 01/01/2025 is the Health Options Clear Choice Gold $2500 PPO NE. The total monthly premium for this plan is $1,602.24 and you have an Advanced Premium Tax Credit of $1,219.00 applied to your monthly premium. Your monthly responsibility is $383.24. The invoice was mailed on 12/20/24 but has the incorrect premium owed. We unfortunately do not generate off cycle invoices. ...


Boycottbelfast.blogspot, SenatorAngusKing.blogspot, & Facebook Messenger

Community Health Options Member Services,

Attached is a screenshot of OHIM/Cover me.gov Director Hilary Schneider's 12/18/24 email stating she sent my APTC $1128.00 to Community Health Options.
Due to account and internet hacking and internet please confirm 1-5.

1. Please confirm the gold plan chosen, screenshot shot provided of $1602.24.

2. Please confirm the receipt of my $1128.00 APTC, screen shot provided, from Director Schneider.

3. Please confirm my monthly billing will be $474.24.

4. Please confirm mailing date of USPS hard mail  invoice of $474.24 (as has always been mailed), and entire chosen gold policy

5. Please confirm all future communications sent to online accounts will be hard mailed USPS to me.

Thank you,
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915

My Outlook and Gmail email accounts have been hacked. I cannot send emails to lists or attach. At 7am, 12/23/24, I sent the proving screenshots of OHIM/Coverme of Healthcare.go v. to Community Health Options Health Insurance, Lewiston, Maine via their Facebook Messenger account. I took additional screenshots of those confirmation "sent" for each. 

They received the 12/2/24 Coverme.or g enrollment confirmation, with acceptance of my only financial income of alimony & pension entered. The next was their 12/2/24 eligibility letter stating my APTC benefit of $1128.00 per month for 2025. The next screenshot was a vague attempt to conceal the federal felon. I am now unable to copy my emails. This is the exact email transcript from Director Hilary Schneider. Received via my Outlook email on Wednesday, 12/18/24 @ 8:49 am.

"Good morning, Ms. Allen, 

I am reaching out to let you know that I worked with our team to copy your 2024 financial assistance application to a 2025 financial assistance application, so that your APTC is applied to your 2025 policy. This information went through and has been transferred to Community Health Options. I expect you will hear from them soon with your 2025 plan premium with the APTC applied.


Hilary Schneider, Director, Office of the Health Insurance Marketplace, Maine Department of Health and Human Services hilary.schneider@maine.gov "

Schneider intentionally omits actual APTC amount of $1128.00 and writes jargon. Hence, my sending of screenshot proof documentation through Facebook Messenger. Over writing Schneider. 

As I wonder if I have breast cancer from lumps felt in 11/2023. State of InHuMaine committing federal felonies, deleting me from my 2024 insurance coverage with Community Health Options since 2013 under the Affordable Care Act. As I wonder how these official degenerates sell their soul for more. Murdering my good soul, non stop attempts since exposing their crimes, 2011 to date. Surrounded and trapped by MaineHealth and Mr. Mole. In my window, PBS/MPBN VP Charlie Beck. 24/7 torture, 14 years and counting to my health and heart. Mob Mentality Psychopaths. 

Boycottbelfast.blogspot SenatorAngusKing.blogspot & Laurie Allen public Facebook page.

To Both Email Thread Lists (Hilary.schneider@maine.gov & lindsay.hammes added on to the 138 list)

1:53 pm

  OHIM Coverme.gov Director Schneider,

For clarity, if my financial information (the same for the past 4+ years) was not entered on the application then completion would not have been successful. The APTC $1128.00 screenshot letter advising of this benefit us derived from my financial acceptance on the application. 

The same tactics were used last year. After successful application and APTC benefit letter, OHIM Coverme.gov stopped the transfer of the APTC benefit to Community Health Options. Sending me into system rat wheel sadistic abuse of power and corruption. Internet hacking to stop the little access left to me. Unable to complete another application by site hacking that would not allow entry of income/finances. Trying through both phone calls and online chat to complete the already successful acceptance of renewal. To be hacked and cut off.

To send tax returns of proof to DHHS Farmington Documents Center to be ignored. To be denied my federal healthcare.gov with malice malfeasance by the Maine government.

Ditto this year. It is disgusting and deadly to my life. All you need to do is send the $1128 APTC to Community Health Options, Lewiston, Maine, as they are waiting for your transmission. Upon receipt, they will apply the $1128 to my gold plan premium and mail my billing invoice to pay and begin coverage, 1/1/25. If I do not receive this billing invoice within 7 days, 12/24/24, then you chose my life line. No insurance. Let the cancer eat Laurie from unknown drugging, food poisoning while kidnapped into Maine system facilities for over 3 months, coupled with the 700 days of cancer rays flooding my home and body through the brutal ankle tracker shackle to an innocent mom. 

I will stay in my home, advise of no insurance, hope for a pardon and to hug my children before I am killed. I will not accept any messages or read any emails from you, your team, or your system. You have the tools and power. I have truth and love. Never for sale.

Laurie Allen

7:30 am 
    hilary.schneider@maine.gov <hilary.schneider@maine.gov>
Subject: Re: SchneiderOHIMRe: 3unitedReHoultonRape
OHIM Coverme.gov Director Schneider,

As you stated, my 2025 application is completed, screen shot confirmation of completion of letter with APTC of $1,128.00 federal benefit documented and in your possession.

This fraud is on your end. For many years. Documented with no resolve. Short changing my APTC to complete denial of my APTC, forcing me to be uninsured last year. Regardless of application completion, APTC applied to Community Health Options and 1/2024 billing reflecting such. Then your end pulled me out mid-December 2023, fraudulently forcing a MaineCare to buy time until the federal healthcare.gov enrollment was closed in 1/2024.

The hacking to my coverme.gov account since 2023 to freeze input is on your end and intentional. My persistence and integrity prevail again and again. State of Maine & entities persistence of corruption prevail against integrity. With tools. 

I may have breast cancer, I may have unknowns due to State of Maine force drugging me, I may have stress induced State of Maine & Lombardi 101 rape abuse, kidnappings, police intrusion, breaking my door down at gunpoint, without reason or warrant on 9/25/20 by Sgt. Fitzpatrick & Officer Megan Trubuzio, endless horrors, 14 years of documenting and reporting. To be abused and trapped to date. Death is the goal and destroying assets. Punishing my children at every moment, since we crawled here in 2010 to begin again. Leaving the same behind. To live in safety, peace, honestly and under all radar of abusers. Believing such, having Bayside/Northport, Maine as my life love since 1970. Until 2 abusers ripped it away from me.

You, Director Schneider, have the tools to simply apply my COMPLETED 2025 application and $1,128 APTC to my gold plan established with Community Health Options. As they are waiting for your end to send it. Your telling me to submit another application is wrong.

As you have stated below, my 2025 application, with $1128.00 APTC is complete. If you chose not to send it to Community Health Options, then you are choosing my death. Underway since pulling my insurance last year. Federal fraud. A felon.

Laurie Allen

From: Schneider, Hilary <Hilary.Schneider@maine.gov>
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2024 1:14 PM
To: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Subject: RE: Schneider Fraud OHIM

Ms. Allen.


Our team reviewed your account. You are correct that you received a 2024 determination for APTC. You were given a 12/31/24 effective date for 2024 coverage since your enrollment and financial application were completed after 12/1/2024. I recognize that this is confusing.


While you completed a 2025 plan enrollment, there is no associated 2025 financial assistance application. If you go into your account and complete a 2025 financial application, your APTC should carry forward into the 2025 plan enrollment.


Please let us know when you complete your 2025 financial assistance application and our team will make sure it applies to your 1/1/25 plan enrollment. Please let us know if you need help completing the financial application and we can send you some written instructions. Alternatively, you can use the online chat function with our consumer assistance center from your account.




Hilary Schneider (she/her)


Office of the Health Insurance Marketplace 

Maine Department of Health and Human Services 


I have pasted 2 emails from 12/14/24 & 12/15/24 calling out Maine federal healthcare fraud through Director Hilary Schneider. As with all of the fraud, the most disgusting is that the State of Maine will not allow rape test kits. They are the felons. I am not.

Laurie Allen

12/15/24 9am. Sent to new list with screenshot of Coverme.gov APTC $1128 not copied here for security reasons) Also sent to President Biden.

Subject: Schneider Fraud OHIM

Director Hillary Schneider, Maine Office of the Health Insurance Marketplace (overseeing coverme.gov),

I misspelled your name in the 12/14/24 email. I just forwarded that email to a variety of possibilities for your email address. Both, hilary.schneider@maine.gov and hilaryschneider.@maine.gov sent successfully.  Your press inquiries Lindsay.Hammes@maine.gov is valid. 

This email is being resent to all with your correct emails and is receipt of proof before the OIHM/Healthcare Coverage 12/15/2024 application cutoff. Please authorize my federal APTC of $1,128.00 to Community Health Options, Lewiston, Maine
 Please advise and confirm via email.

For reference, my 2024 APTC successfully attached to my Community Health Options plan. Then OIHM cancelled my APTC.

Stating I was eligible for Maine are, which I was not. My income is over the limit. OIHM ordered me to apply for MaineCare. That system had been hacked to prevent my entering of my income. Repeated emails to Maine DHHS, Farmington,  sent with income documentation, were ignored. The stress was enormous as I had discovered breast lumps in 12/2023, as shared to all on my blog, emails & begging for help from Senator Angus King for my federal APTC. Maine had chose to create coverme.gov instead of allowing the federal program, healthcare.gov as Maine's portal. Lombardi System for corruption and rape. Downtown Belfast had a reported social media party when Maine state fabricated me as a terrorist and arrested me to die a brutal, rape for all, in 2/2018 at Two Bridges Correctional, Wiscasset, Maine. Never a record in my life. Mother Nature saved me at my last moment. Against all their odds again. Is Downton Belfast & entities celebrating my possible cancer? Stepping in to stop this system that I have proved and documented is the press that deserves applaud and airing

Senator King ignored me as detailed in my blogs, Boycottbelfast.blogspot
SenatorAngusKing.blogspot . As did Belfast residents & statehouse representatives, Jan Dodge and Chip Curry. As did all statehouse officials, Governor Mills, AG Frey, etc. Senator Susan Collins was the deciding vote to put rapist Brett Kavanaugh on the United States Supreme Court bench. I expect nothing from her. 

Maine DHHS stated that I did not qualify for MaineCare in January 2024. Maine.gov & entities dismantle every basic freedom & life rights, 14 years and counting. Killing me systematically with fascist secrecy and denial. With all witness and fearing support. 

I did contact the White House yesterday. Notifying the Healthcare and LiHeap federal agencies of the Maine corruption to me that Maine institutes. Published under Lombardi 101. Take, Rape, Break, Intake. Global scale JURCC.  JustUs Raping Culted Club system.

I try to be civil to those killing me, using words not weapons for relief. I'd rather be dancing and helping all in my path. With prior PBS/MPBN VP Charles Beck witness as system advisory. Laurie Allen is still dancing. She even walked to Hannaford Grocery, up and down Route 1, pulling her American Flyer wagon, loaded for survival. Heavy load indeed. 

Laurie Allen

 From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2024 3:06 AM
To: hillaryschneider@maine.gov <hillaryschneider@maine.gov>; hillary.schneider@maine.gov <hillary.schneider@maine.gov>; jeanniemckenney@maine.gov <jeanniemckenney@maine.gov>; lindsay.hammes@maine.gov <lindsay.hammes@maine.gov>; Rschneider@mainepublic.org <Rschneider@mainepublic.org>; kshortall@mainepublic.org <kshortall@mainepublic.org>; Chip.Curry@legislature.maine.gov <Chip.Curry@legislature.maine.gov>; Jan.Dodge@legislature.maine.gov <Jan.Dodge@legislature.maine.gov>; Senator Angus King <senator@king.senate.gov>; Senator Susan Collins <susan@collins.senate.gov>; charlesbeck7@gmail.com <charlesbeck7@gmail.com>; norah.hogan@hearst.com <norah.hogan@hearst.com>; Hramer@ap.org <Hramer@ap.org>; Nperry@ap.org <Nperry@ap.org>; Sharp, David <Dsharp@ap.org>; MemberServices <memberservices@healthoptions.org>; attorney.general@maine.gov <attorney.general@maine.gov>; Governor <Governor@maine.gov>; Lawcourt.clerk@courts.maine.gov <Lawcourt.clerk@courts.maine.gov>; Districtattorney@waldocountyme.gov <Districtattorney@waldocountyme.gov>; district1@waldocountyme.gov <district1@waldocountyme.gov>; tgroening@islandinstitute.org <tgroening@islandinstitute.org>; mollyross@rsu71.org <mollyross@rsu71.org>; ethankingcole@gmail.com <ethankingcole@gmail.com>; lora mills <loramills@yahoo.com>; neal@nealparent.com <neal@nealparent.com>; jkirlin@gmail.com <jkirlin@gmail.com>; kathleenkearns@gmail.com <kathleenkearns@gmail.com>; ned.lightner@gmail.com <ned.lightner@gmail.com>; einstein@toast.net <einstein@toast.net>; rosicostello@gmail.com <rosicostello@gmail.com>; valeriemank@gmail.com <valeriemank@gmail.com>; Angletreeplumbing@gmail.com <Angletreeplumbing@gmail.com>; jb@frontstreetshipyard.com <jb@frontstreetshipyard.com>; patriot@myfairpoint.net <patriot@myfairpoint.net>; lisa@baysidemaine.com <lisa@baysidemaine.com>; samseljoseph@gmail.com <samseljoseph@gmail.com>; georgeallen99 <georgeallen99@msn.com>
Cc: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Subject: Schneider Fraud OHIM

Director Hillary Schneider, Maine Office of the Health Insurance Marketplace (overseeing coverme.gov),

Last year's OHIM fraud to make me uninsured is detailed on my blog SenatorAngusKing.blogspot.com. 

OHIM is continuing fraud for my 2025 coverage. After successfully submitting my application on 12/2/24, my eligibility effective 12/31/24, is the APTC of $1,128.00. Below email from Community Health Options is not receiving my APTC of $ 1,128.00. I DO NOT qualify for MaineCare and NEVER have. I have had Community Health Options Insurance since Healthcare.gov began until last year when OHIM fraudulently cancelled my APTC, making me uninsured to date.

In case your email address rejects, I have included published emails for OHIM Lindsay Hammers (press inquiries) and Jeannie McKenney (OHIM contact for advisory committee). I request both to forward this to you, OHIM Director Hillary Schneider. Perhaps you are related to the president of PBS/MPBN Rick Schneider included in this sending. With prior PBS/MPBN VP, Charles Beck. My back stabbing danger neighbor. Forced into early retirement, because of involvement.

This will be sent to President Biden. Further proving my innocence and continuing deadly abuse from the systems of Maine, MaineHealth and Dr. Donald Lombardi System to rape and take for profit and sick pleasure.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915

(My phone is hacked. I cannot receive or make phone calls. I will not leave my house because of proven attempts by the State of Maine to silence me eternally. With system entities and drug rapist, Dr. Donald Lombardi, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken NJ. Mr. "System" Healthcare DesignHer.)

2025 Invoice
Laurie Allen
Member Services Community Options, When will I receive my $29.21 monthly billing for coverage beginning 1/1/2025. Attached are screenshots confirmi...
Laurie Allen
Member Services, Correction - see attachment of Cover me.gov eligibility screenshot. My APTC $1128.00. I chose your Gold Choice $2500 PPO NE, Premi...
to me
9 hours ago
Dear Ms. Allen,

Thank you for contacting Community Health Options. Our goal is to answer all of your questions with courtesy and respect.

We have received the application information for the policy Health Options Clear Choice Gold $2500 PPO NE on 12/3/24 although it did not include an Advanced Premium Tax Credit as described in your email, you should verify with Coverme.gov when they will be sending that information.  Your 01/01/2025 invoice should be available within your Member portal on healthoptions.org as of 12/15/24 or shortly after, and we will also mail the invoice to you.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to respond to this email or call Member Services at (855) 624-6463, weekdays between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of assistance.

Member Services Email Team
Community Health Options
P.O. Box 1121
Lewiston, ME 04243

Member Services: 855-624-6463

(& Coverme.gov APTC $1128 SCREENSHOT/


Guru rapist Lombardi continues to receive system protection and enforcement to kill me. All media in my lists continue to enable system take, rape, intake, break, 4 Prophets. More, more, more. President@stevens.edu . Disgrace & disgust. Pimp 4 Lombardi System.

THE AP CAN INTERVIEW ME. Please. I am certain that I need a double mastectomy last year.  SenatorAngusKing.blogspot.com sealed the system deal for my end.

To be eaten away by their cancer, alone in the State of InHuMaine. My children, system collateral. Inconceivable to believe this. Be us. 

BoycottBelfast.blogspot.com ,

Little Laurie Allen

AP News
apnews.com› article › jeffrey-epstein-grand-jury-transcript-florida-b5dce49bdd9bcbce2969107919ddc2d0
Florida prosecutors knew Epstein raped teenage girls 2 years before cutting deal, transcript shows | AP News

29, 2024, in Palm Beach, Fla., ... (Damon Higgins/The Palm Beach Post via AP, File) Read More · Florida prosecutors knew



Facebook protects System Rapists.  I requested reinstatement. FB has removed similar posts on my page & never responds to reinstatement request.  Here is post.

"Please interview me. 14 years of first hand system JustUs corruption. NJ to Maine to Federal to Global. 12 Maine Judges, Gov Mills, Collins, King, AG, DA, police/corrections/commissioners, healthcare, businesses, on & on.  To global system serial drug rapist, Dr. Dnld Lmbrdi, Stvns Inst of Tchnlgy Hbkn NJ. Gates, Clooney for JustUs, ACLU, every org for what? Protect top system of take, break, rape, fabricate, intake, more, more, more, non profit, all 4 Profit. Silence Laurie Allen and all her documentation. YouTube channel, 13 years of free novice blogs ... SenatorAngusKing.blogspot.com BoycottBelfast.blogspot.com


Laurie Allen"



                          I Am Nika

         Laurie Allen USA Hunted @ 63



History on Boycottbelfast.blogspot.com

(5/31/24 post sent to both email lists of  137 & & 56 is at the bottom end/


All in Laurie's List's should know I was to die a bad, bad rape death in Two Bridges Correctional, Wiscasset, Maine. Cuffed and kidnapped, shock and awe assault from my home by Belfast Police Department. Fabricating charge of terrorizing with a dangerous weapon. Friday night, 2/23/18.

Held in Waldo Jail, Belfast with 25k bond. Cop hands up and down my body. Fingerprinting with deliberate touching. TV selling vibrators and erotica through the nights. Creepy predators with badge immunity. 

I was cuffed, shackled and transferred on Monday, 2/26/18, to Two Bridges Correctional, Wiscasset, Maine. Almost 2 hours away. Tuesday 2/27/18, 4th day of my hunger strike, was my hearing with female Judge Dobson (Waldo County Clerk Brooke Otis recorded as Monday, 2/26/18, to cover up mandated 24 hour hearing. Weekends not counted. Their Friday night special for females). 

Dobson held the unobtainable 25k bail. Regardless of clean record, innocent video that was private from 11/2017 where I flippantly thanked Belfast Officials for being my target while I filmed my hand after a target shoot. No weapon and I have never owned a gun. An only time target shot with my partner's rifle. Filming my shoot and never stating anyone while shooting or after when viewing the standard $1.49 paper red circle target. Precedence set with the NJ boardwalk target shoot game with Obama's face on it. 



In the Line of Ire

Can you shoot an Obama target?

Is it legal to shoot at a picture of the president?

boardwalk game in Seaside Heights, N.J., features a moving target of President Barack Obama. Contestants hurl baseballs in his direction. A Pennsylvania amusement company pulled a target-shooting game last week that included Obama’s image. Is it legal to take aim at a representation of the president?

Absolutely. The First Amendment protects the right to free expression, which includes the right to shoot, burn, or in any way destroy an image of anyone including the president as long you’re not posing a “credible threat.” The standard here is whether there is genuine intent to commit or incite violence, and also whether that violence is likely to actually occur. If there’s no “clear and present danger,” as Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. put it, there’s no basis for censorship. So unless the Seaside Heights boardwalk is, in fact, a surreptitious assassination training ground, the game is perfectly legal.

There’s a long history of threatening presidential representations. Hanging in effigy was a common form of political protest in the 18th and 19th centuries. Presidents Washington, Adams, and Jefferson were all hanged in effigy; and before the civil war, “Hang Abe Lincoln on a Sour Apple Tree” was a commonly sung parody of “John Brown’s Body.” (There was a similar song about Lincoln’s southern counterpart, Jefferson Davis.) George W. Bush was routinely hanged and burned in effigy in the United States, including during the famous “Pants on Fire Tour” led by Ben and Jerry’s co-founder Ben Cohen, who hit the road with a 12-foot tall effigy of Bush.

Flippant verbal threats against the president are similarly OK. In 1966, 18-year-old Robert Watts was at a public rally by the Washington Monument when he said, in reference to the draft, “If they ever make me carry a rifle the first man I want to get in my sights is L.B.J.” He was arrested and prosecuted, but his conviction was overturned by the Supreme Court in Watts v. United States—the justices ruled that jokes about killing the president do not present a credible threat. Nearly two decades later, Ardith McPherson, a clerical worker in the office of the Constable of Harris County, Texas, was fired after she told her boyfriend, following reports of the Reagan assassination attempt, “If they go for him again, I hope they get him.” McPherson sued for reinstatement claiming her First Amendment rights had been violated. The Supreme Court agreed, reiterating that comments or jokes made with no intent to act are perfectly legal free speech.

The United States Secret Service routinely investigates threats against the president. Most of these cases are dismissed quickly as not credible, meaning the individual under investigation does not truly intend to harm the president and does not have the means to do so. An Alabama teacher was suspended in May after using the example of assassinating President Obama to illustrate angles in geometry. The Secret Service investigated but then declined to pursue the case. The school admitted that the lesson had been in poor taste.

On Wednesday, 2/28/18, the noon TV news was on and reported my bail was reduced to 5k. Waldo Jail/Corrections refused to take the 5k cash bail payment from my partner, Wednesday - Friday, 3/2/18. They told him he could not drive to Two Bridges and bail me out there. Two Bridges did not tell me that my daughter had put $50 in this commissary to make calls and buy salt. I could not make any phone calls by intention.

I knew my partner had 5k of mine to pay the bail. Each day I asked the guard if my bail was paid. NO! Friday morning, 3/2/2018 @ 8 am, I asked the guard again. He snickered with knowing "No bail paid" I knew then that I was going to die a very brutal, free for all rape assault that weekend. Claiming a suicide. It was the only time I cried.

Then, I began giving and writing instructions to an outgoing cellmate getting released at 9 am. The guard was listening and watching. After she left at 9 am, an announcement was made over the speaker. "Allen prepare for transfer to Belfast in 15 minutes." My bail had not been paid. Two Bridges bailed on my rape, assault, hate death to me. 

Media, government, with Steven's and their global drug rapist guru, Dr. D. L*mb*rdi (he is able to receive notification when I enter his full name. Hacking and raping to death with documentation of his.) to cover up and protect horrors like Iran. Under their USA mask of democracy. Women without rights or life, chosen by the sickest of man.  The Kings Of Rape, Take, Break, Intake 4 System Profit. Masochistic Torture by implication & invitation. JustUs preferred.

The BBC investigates below horror, while PBS assists in my end. As Senator Angus King is in the news promoting local news. I am surrounded by rapists and worse. Where did America go? I ask again and again. They are immune. I am in self jail at home with their cancer eating me to death. The truth of all time. By one little female. I done good. No matter what they fabricate.Just another mother. Next. Not over my dead body. Give me an interview. To tell all. Just skimming the scum here.


Secret document says Iran security forces molested and killed teen protester

  • By Bertram Hill, Aida Miller and Michael Simkin
  • BBC Eye Investigations

Nika was just 16 years old when she disappeared during protests against Iran's strict dress code for women

An Iranian teenager was sexually assaulted and killed by three men working for Iran's security forces, a leaked document understood to have been written by those forces says.

It has let us map what happened to 16-year-old Nika Shakarami who vanished from an anti-regime protest in 2022.

Her body was found nine days later. The government claimed she killed herself.

We put the report's allegations to Iran's government and its Revolutionary Guards. They did not respond.

Marked "Highly Confidential", the report summarises a hearing on Nika's case held by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) - the security force that defends the country's Islamic establishment. It includes what it says are the names of her killers and the senior commanders who tried to hide the truth.

It contains disturbing details of events in the back of an undercover van in which security forces were restraining Nika. These include:

  • One of the men molested her while he was sitting on her
  • Despite being handcuffed and restrained, she fought back, kicking and swearing
  • An admission that this provoked the men to beat her with batons

There are numerous fake Iranian official documents in circulation, so the BBC spent months checking every detail with multiple sources.

Our extensive investigations indicate the papers we obtained do chronicle the teenager's last movements.

Nika Shakarami's disappearance and death were widely reported, and her picture has become synonymous with the fight by women in Iran for greater freedoms. As street protests spread across Iran in the autumn of 2022, her name was shouted by crowds furious at the country's strict rules on the compulsory veil [hijab].

The Woman, Life, Freedom movement had been sparked just days earlier by the death of a 22-year-old woman, Mahsa Amini. She died from injuries sustained in police custody according to a UN fact-finding mission after being accused of not wearing her hijab properly.

In Nika's case, her family found her body in a mortuary more than a week after she disappeared from a protest. But Iran's authorities denied Nika's death was connected to the demonstration and, after conducting their own investigation, said that she had died by suicide.

Just before she vanished, Nika was filmed on the evening of 20 September near Laleh Park in central Tehran, standing on a dumpster setting fire to hijabs.

Others around her chanted "death to the dictator" - referring to Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

What she could not have known at the time is that she was being watched, as the classified report makes clear.

Addressed to the IRGC's commander-in-chief, it says it is based on extensive talks with its teams that policed that protest.

Monitoring the demonstration were several undercover security units, the document's account begins.

It says one of these - Team 12 - suspected the teenager "of leadership, due to her unconventional behaviour and repeated calls with her mobile phone".

The team sent one of its operatives into the crowd, posing as a protester, to confirm Nika was indeed one of the demonstration's leaders. Then, according to the report, he called in his team to arrest her. But she fled.

Her aunt had previously told BBC Persian that Nika rang a friend that night to say she was being chased by security forces.

Almost an hour passed before she was spotted again, says the report, when she was detained and put in the team's vehicle - an unmarked freezer van.

Nika was in the rear compartment with three Team 12 members - Arash Kalhor, Sadegh Monjazy, and Behrooz Sadeghy.

Their team leader Morteza Jalil was up front with the driver.

The group then attempted to find somewhere to take her, the report says.

They tried a temporary police camp nearby but were turned away because it was overcrowded.

So they continued to a detention centre, a 35-minute drive away, whose commander initially agreed to admit Nika. But then he changed his mind.

"The accused [Nika] was constantly swearing and chanting," he told investigators for the report.

"At that time, there were 14 other female detainees at the station and my perception was that she could agitate the others.

"I was worried she would cause a riot".

Morteza Jalil once again contacted his IRGC HQ for advice, says the report, and was told to head to Tehran's notorious Evin Prison.

En route, he said he began to hear crashing noises behind him coming from the pitch-dark rear compartment of the van.

We know what he was hearing, from the testimony outlined in the document from the men guarding Nika in the back.

One of them, Behrooz Sadeghy, said as soon as she had been put back into the van after being rejected by the detention centre, Nika had started to swear and shout.

"Arash Kalhor gagged her mouth with his socks but she started struggling. Then Sadegh [Monjazy] laid her on the chest freezer and sat on her. The situation calmed," he told investigators.

"I don't know what happened, but after a few minutes she started swearing. I couldn't see anything, I could only hear fighting and bashing."

But Arash Kalhor gave further chilling details.

He says he briefly turned on his phone torch and saw Sadegh Monjazy "[has] put his hand inside her trousers".

Arash Kalhor said after that they lost control.

"He doesn't know… who [was doing it], but he could hear… the baton hitting the accused [Nika]... 'I started to kick and punch but really didn't know if I was hitting our guys or the accused.'"

But Sadegh Monjazy contradicted Arash Kalhor's statement, which he said was motivated by professional jealousy. He denied putting his hand in her trousers - but said he could not deny that he became "aroused" while sitting on her and touched Nika's buttocks.

He said this provoked Nika - despite the fact her hands were tied behind her back - to scratch him and jolt so that he fell over.

"She kicked at my face, so I had to defend myself."

From the van's cabin, Morteza Jalil ordered the driver to pull over.

He opened the rear door to discover Nika's lifeless body.

He said he cleaned the blood from her face and head - "which were not in a good condition".

This echoes the state in which Nika's mother says she eventually found her daughter in the mortuary, and Nika's death certificate - obtained by BBC Persian in October 2022 - which states she was killed by "multiple injuries caused by blows with a hard object".

Team leader Morteza Jalil admitted he didn't try to find out what had happened.

"I was only thinking about how to transfer her and didn't ask any questions of anyone. I only asked: 'Is she breathing?' I think it was Behrooz Sadeghy who answered, 'no, she is dead'."

With a killing on his hands, Jalil called the IRGC's HQ for a third time.

On this occasion, he spoke to a more senior officer, codenamed "Naeem 16".

"We already had deaths in our stations, and I didn't want the number to rise to 20," Naeem 16 told the investigation. "Bringing her to the base wouldn't have solved any problems."

He told Jalil to simply "dump her on the street". Jalil said they left Nika's body in a quiet street under Tehran's Yadegar-e-Emam highway.

The report concludes that a sexual assault caused the fight in the rear compartment of the van, and that strikes from Team 12 had caused Nika's death.

"Three batons and three Tasers were all used. It is not clear which one of the blows was the fatal one," it says.

The report contradicts the government's narrative of what happened to Nika. Nearly a month after her funeral, state television broadcast the results of the official investigation, which said Nika had jumped to her death from a building.

It showed CCTV of a person it claimed was Nika entering an apartment block, but Nika's mother told BBC Persian in a phone interview that she could not "under any circumstances, confirm that person is Nika".

"We all know that they are lying," Nasrin Shakarami later told a BBC documentary, discussing authorities' claims about the deaths of protesters.

The BBC Eye investigation was not just concerned with the content of the report, but whether it could be trusted as an artefact.

Sometimes, what appear to be official Iranian documents and other materials circulating on the internet are found to have been faked.

Most of these counterfeit documents, however, are easy to spot because they clearly diverge from official formatting - showing erroneous spacing and letter headings, or containing significant grammatical or spelling errors.

They might also include the wrong official slogan or logo for the year they purport to originate from, or an anachronistic title for a government agency or department, for example.

Another indicator is language that does not match the very specific style that tends to be used by Iranian official bodies.

The document our investigation centred on contained a few such inconsistencies. For instance, the "Naja" police force quoted in the report was known as "Faraja" at the time.

Therefore, to further test the document's veracity, we gave it to a former Iranian intelligence officer who has seen hundreds of legitimate ones.

He rang the IRGC archive - using an official code issued each day to senior intelligence officers in Iran - to check if the case file this report was allegedly part of really existed and what it was about.

He received confirmation that it did, and that the report's number showed it was part of a 322-page case file on anti-government protesters in 2022.

While we can never be 100% certain, this gave us confidence that it is genuine.

His unique access to the IRGC also helped us iron out another mystery - the identity of "Naeem 16", the man who told the team to dump Nika's body.

The former intelligence officer did this by making another call - this time to someone inside Iran's military apparatus. He was told Naeem 16 is the call sign for a Captain Mohammad Zamani, serving in the IRGC.

That name is listed as one of the attendees at the five-hour hearing into Nika's death that the report summarises.

We put the allegations to the IRGC and the Iranian government. They did not respond.

The men responsible for Nika's death were not punished, so far as we know.

A clue as to why that might be the case can be found in the document itself. All of Team 12 - who were at the hearing - are listed in the report and to the right of their names is the group to which they belong: "Hezbollah".

This refers to an Iranian paramilitary group, Hezbollah, unrelated to the Lebanese group of the same name. Its members are used by the IRGC but sometimes operate outside its jurisdiction, as the report seems to acknowledge:

"Since the above persons belonged to the forces of Hezbollah, following up this case beyond obtaining the necessary commitments and security guarantees has not been possible," it says.

IRGC officer Naeem 16, on the other hand, was given a written reprimand, it adds.

As many as 551 protesters were killed by security forces during Iran's Woman, Life, Freedom movement, most of them by gunfire, according to the UN's fact-finding mission.

The protests subsided after a few months due to the bloody crackdown by security forces. There followed a lull in activity by Iran's morality police, but a new crackdown on breaches of the Islamic dress code began earlier this month.

Among those to have been arrested is Nika's elder sister, Aida


#1 Sent to Laurie's Lists

Add Camden National Bank to the short corrupt list from 4/24/24 post. Working with Corrections Commissioner Randall Liberty to hack my account. Removing my account access to e pay the monthly Corrections bill to shackle me with ankle cancer trackher cell. To fabricate violation of release with non payment. Arrest & back into jail to be... See pictures of my shackled, bleeding ankle & shin posted previously in my blog. Caught them & CNB had to reinstate. Federal crime, above the law. 

22nd request for 1/2024 ordinance changes specific to Seaview Terrace and my sign display to Planning Director Bub Fournier list sent 4/25/25. I turned sign display confirmation over to Belfast Police Chief for responsibility to advise. Posted on blog.

Views since 6am-6am, 4/24-4/25/24 24 hour period on Boycottbelfast.blogspot.com

USA           638
UK                96
Canada        60
Hong Kong  43
India             21
Nthrlnds      18
Finland           5
Romania        5
Russia            2
Other              2


4/25/2024 Email sent 5:45 am to Bub Fournier & 25 recipients in thread.

"The City Website is not trustworthy. You confirmed this 2023 display as in compliance. The same will be displayed 4/2024 until the current police chief emails me with any issues.

Planning Director Fournier,

You never responded to my 1/8/24 email below and copied here for specificity " I understand that the amendments affect R1 zone. I want to know if there are specific changes to Seaview Terrace that are additional to the general R1 zone amendments and/or through unknown clean up amendments."

Please advise today, 4/1/24. I have displayed my signs/artwork/freedom of expression, that you found in compliance with zoning ordinance last year. I have not changed any and my blog is for information and free. No monetary profit. If there are any issues, please advise via this email.
(Full Thread Below)

4/2/24 5th, 4/3 6th, 4/4 7th, 4/5 8th, 4/8 9th, 4/9 10th, 4/10 11th, 4/11 12th, 4/12 13th , 4/15 14th, 4/16 15th, 4/17 16th, 4/18 17th, 4/19 18th, 4/22 19th, 4/23 20th, 4/24 21rst, 4/25 22nd request. 

... " (See 4/1/24 for the full thread with Planning Director Fournier on 1/2024 vague "clean up" & ordinance amendments request for specifics to Seaview Terrace. Fournier is ignoring. I have turned responsibility to Belfast Police Chief, 4/25/24 for accountability.)

4/24/24- Inserted here for history. Sending to both of Laurie's Lists of email thread. Current posts will continue way below, after link to my 2019 fabrication felon bench trial. Perjured by Judge Robert Murray and ADA Entwistle. 

 Timeline of Documented Proof

1/1982 Drug raped all night, by my Middlesex County College professor, Donald Lombardi. No one reported rape and I didn't realize he drug raped me until Bill Cosby was charged in 2014.

6/28/10 Cash closing on 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast, Maine 04915. #1 Concerns was no water issues, inside or out. Listing & selling agents, both from what is now Town & Country Massiello Group, High Street, Belfast, were Bill Ingersoll and Jan Andrews. Owner Earl Black. Jan recommended property inspector DJ Brown of China. 12/2009 showing (drove 500 miles from NJ) did not reveal water issues with assurance from seller, Minister Ken Tarpley and both agents. 

Property inspection in 4/2010, spring melt, confirmed no water issues. I was in NJ, selling my home. Jan was in Florida. Agent Sam Mitchell supervised the inspection. Jan read the report to me over the phone. I did not receive the written report until after the closing. On the last page of the report DJ Brown wrote that the report was valid for only the DAY of inspection.

Later, my neighbor, Rose Costello would tell me construction trucks were delivering and working in the back yard during spring 2011. She said it was a shame that I didn't get to speak to her prior to purchase as there were major water issues, inside and out, at 17 Seaview Terrace. 

3/2011 Spring melt. Torrent rapids ripped through my backyard for 2 weeks. Taking away property clearly filled in by those construction trucks a year prior. A 4 ft. deep, 12 ft. wide, 150 ft back yard length ravine was made. Almost taking my new 6k fence with it.

4/2011 to present Belfast City Hall/Officials, City Attorney, Agents, businesses, Earl Black, Maine Realtor Commission Jeffrey Hill, DEP Commissioner Aho, Belfast Chiefs McFadden, Lincoln, and probably current Cormier and staff, Sheriff Trafton, Detective Greeley, PO Lori Lamma,Waldo Jail, Corrections and staff, Two Bridges Jail, Knox County Jail, Corrections Commissioner Randall Liberty, then AG now Governor Mills and staff with agencies Low Income Federal Housing Heating & Waldo Cap, MaineFuel, Hammond Lumber, Aubuchon Hardware, DHHS, Federal Marketplace health insurance through Maine Coverme.gov, Community Options Health Insurance (Lewiston, ME), Senators Angus King, Susan Collins, retried Senators George Mitchell & Olympia Snow, ex Governor LePage, House representatives Jan Dodge & Chip Curry, Congress Chellie Pingree, Waldo County Clerk Brooke Otis & husband, prior bailiff, Ryan Otis ( also owners of Rollie's Bar...dark ring), Waldo County District 1, Waldo DA & ADA's, Judges Robert Murray, Patricia Worth & husband John, (Worth Real Estate, Maine Maritime Academy, Fournier Tug Boats) Mary Kelly, Dobson, Davis, Mathews, Alexander, Fowles, Walker, Fields, and Billings, Pre trial Case Manager Rick Otto, MaineHealth, Doctors Beal, Daniel Britton, James Ray, Kirby, William Barter, Zanca, Riverview State Psychiatric, PNP Sarah Street Taylor, Sweetser Mental Health, Northern Lights Acadia Medical, RSU Superintendents Mailloux & Knowles, Principals Buckheit & Fitzpatrick, Guidance Director James Davis & counselor Jessica Woods (also head of Waldo Cap/Liheap), TWC/Spectrum, Consolidated Communications, Verizon, AT&T, US Cellular, PAWS Rockport/Camden, neighbors prior MPBN/PBS Charles Beck, Marcia Cooper, David & Linda Garson Smith, Rose Costello, Kathleen Kearns, Ned Lightner, Jennifer Long, Sarah Cole & husband Kyle (may be fake), Penny Rae, son Mark Rae, daughter Terry LaCombe (Lincolnville real estate agent) & her daughter, Kayla LaCombe (Lincolnville Treasurer)

The short list from memory of all first hand contact of mob mentality to silence me through all connections headed by Drug Rapist Global System Guru, Dr. Donald Lombardi, of esteemed protector if rape, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ. I exposed him publicly in 2014. That's when epic system corruption became full throttle assaults. To date.

Still Dead Mom proving against the system mob. Yet no one dare to interview. Just one innocent female deemed "not credible" per prior Belfast City Attorney Bill Kelly with then assistant Kristen Collins. Now City Attorney. Maine attorneys comply with State, chit spinning, milking their system. With tainted reporting by Republican Journal, Belfast Village Soup to globally fabricate me as a terrorist, boasting how Downtown Belfast is celebrating my arrest with a social media party, with falsehoods including neighbors taking protection orders out against me. 

In fact, I won a protection order, pro se, against Mark Rae. Appeal denied. Because I had the only ethical Judge Susan Sparaco. Also winning another case with Sparaco, pro se, against Chris Kulbe, Ridgetop Chimney, Searsmont. Losing 2 more open and shut cases, pro se by horrendous Judge Patricia Worth. To the avalanche of JustUs Take, Rape, Break, Intake 4 Profit & Dark Traffic. Dissolve evidence in McFadden's vat parties in his garage. To leave as Chief 2011-2019, to dispose of all evidence as director of the transfer station...

I also won a rarely awarded, hotly contested, relocation custody, from NJ to Maine. A horrendous 2 year divorce (faithfully married 1988-2005) proceedings 2005-2007 with gaslighting ex and corrupt Middlesex County NJ Judge Fred Keiser. He was removed from the bench, I was his last decision. Very bad. System introduction with the death of my mother in 1995. My sister the executor. My brother Jr. failing to persuade our mother to make him executor. He did get her to secretly sign the Bayside cottage over to him after our father died of 4 years of cancer eating death in 1977. Well Laurie, he's nice to me....

Jr. (George) begged me at our mother's wake to oversee the small estate. Our sister had addictions and Jr. has addictions. He promised to back me up. As sis began robbing, I agreed. Jr. immediately back stabbed me and joined sis. 1995-2001 estate settling to present. Jr. also taking my mother's jewelry willed to me. His wife Sheila witness. Inviting my ex into our family against my direct plead not to. 

Refusing to help me with bail and finding an attorney. Siding with his system and telling me to abide by the Judge, take the drugs, and get well. "We are all rooting for you." Attempting to save face in 2020? by replying to my email list. Stating I have never been violent, that "we" may not agree with Laurie, that I am entitled to Freedom of Expression/Speech, that maybe "we" can "chime" in together... Chit spin. Hypocrisy makes my blood boil. I could have replied with all below and didn't. I couldn't shhhh either. I replied that my brother doesn't stop rape. I do. 

Now I unshhh. Holding family accountable stops growth of greed and sickness to power. Enablers override. Here we are. Home to Globally. Jr. v Laurie, Laurie v System Monsters. All by myself. Let's hear it for the girl. All system & enablers say Nay. Git her. Bounty & perks abound at taxpayers and humanity expense.

He set fires since age 1, choked me twice, nearly succeeded drowning me @ 8 years old, unsupervised, in the deep end of a motel in ground swimming pool. He shoved my head down as I was beating him in a race. Someone must have appeared, his hand on top of my head was long. My legs kicking for my life. Expelling all my breath. Near death. His angel face smiling, no doubt. Mom telling me that I instigate him and I should stop telling. I saw him choke her one time. We were teens, after Dad died. He stopped when I came down the stairs. Mom said nothing. He needed help. Massive depression. Family failed him. 

All may scorn my truth. All enable him too. Just like my sister. Accountability ignorance for self motives. Globally wide. Mother Nature has trained me well. Never accept shhhh or else.  Cancer & health stress may be eating me to death by system forces of magnitude, 2014 to date. Federal Marketplace health insurance corrupted to illegally make me uninsured. As if I could trust any provider in Drug Pin Rapist Guru, Dr. Donald Lombardi's global network. Instead, I wait, on self lockdown, giving my life. As a mother does. For all. My children used as pawns. I protect them the best I can. Alienate. Many sad years now. To do this to them after all they have been targeted by, is the worst of men and women. 1993 to date.
From Bath to Belfast & beyond. David Sinclair, Tom Sheehan, Lisa Whittier and sadly Logan Perkins. Trying to force me to release my medical records so Judge Murray and ADA Entwistle with Dr. William Barter would win their plot to find me incompetent to stand trial. For all the fabricated charges they had to dismiss. Never any evidence, counting on their system. I only count on me. Fool proof. Truth & spotless life record. Fabricated felon and fabricated mental illness of persecutory delusional. I did praise Logan Perkins, she is an excellent attorney. A pity that she caves for the system.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terror
Helfast, Maine 04915

1/1/24 Sent to Senator King on his website contact and then to the White House contact for President Biden.

 "7th request 1/1/24 to Senator King, MaineCare MyMaineConnection, DHHS/Farmington/documents. Today, I sent my 2022 Federal tax return, filed ... , AGI... , and my bank statement, December 18, 2023, 
... , uploaded and received on my Maine connection account. 

The site will not allow me to correct errors of ... filing status and income of ... , bank account ... . Illegally forcing me into MaineCare and rescinding my federal marketplace renewal letter from Coverme.gov, October 19,2022, eligibility for 2023 924.00, effective January 1,2024, 1,125.00 APTC.  

The letter from DHHS dated November 23, 2023 illegally changed my income, bank account and filing status to illegally force me into MaineCare. Your refusal to correct has prompted contacting President Biden for a complete pardon of fabricated felon indictment, and fabricated Maine health, Riverview Psychiatric PNP Sarah Street Taylor diagnosis of persecutory delusional, and to be relocated to a safe state where I can receive marketplace insurance to receive immediate care from top healthcare for possible cancer. As you know and enable to protect State of Maine corruption and drug rapist, Professor Dr Donald Lombardi PhD, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ. This is being sent to President Biden for a 2nd request for immediate action. 

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915"

Adding to President Biden's message  "PLEASE HELP ME FOR AMERICA."

12/24/23 Sent to Laurie's List of 106 on email thread @ 9:13 am.


 " Dear President Biden, 
Please see details of State of Maine illegally rescinding my automatic federal marketplace health insurance on my virus and ad free blog, SenatorAngusKing.blogspot.com . Illegally and fraudulently forcing me into MaineCare that I am NOT qualified to receive. 

Recent breast lumps leave me without insurance and medical examination. 13 years of exposing first hand State of Maine and MaineHealth corruption with drug rapist Professor Dr. Donald Lombardi PhD have violated my every right to life, civil rights to USA Constitutional rights to State of Maine constitutional rights. Documented on several blogs since 2011, current blog BoycottBelfast.blogspot.com . 

I just saw Neerce Tanden, USA Policy Advisor speak of marketplace health insurance. Coverme.gov, Maine DHHS, Governor Mills, Senator King, all State agencies and healthcare protect Lombardi and fabricate me as a felon and mentally ill to cover-up their rape 4 profit and corruption. Illegally cuffing and kidnapping me from my home into their facilities at life threatening harm. Again and again, since 2016. In 2014 I went public with Lombardi drug raping me in 1982. He is powerfully protected, including Steven's Institute of Technology Hoboken NJ where he currently accesses global systems. Military to business to students to me. Almost 63 and on lockdown for years. 

Reports to the FBI, DOJ, Civil Rights, ACLU, agency to agency, documented and dismissed. I will not seek medical care in Maine regardless. I need your protection, relocation to safety and health care excellence, and a full pardon for felon and persecutory delusional fabrication records by the State of Maine to my spotless life. Please. 

Merry Kritmas. Happy New Year, my 63rd birthday. 

PS- I had contacted then, President Trump with this information and his response was not his job. Referring me back to the State of InHuMaine. "


 From: DHHS, Farmington <farmington.dhhs@maine.gov>
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2023 5:59 AM
To: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Subject: Automatic reply: Information

Thank you for your e-mail. E-mails are processed in the order they are received. Please also be aware that we are a document processing department and if you are a client with case specific questions, you would need to call us at 1-855-797-4357.  

 My Maine Connection and DHHS Farmington,

Per your letter, 11/23/2023, Re. Laurie L. Allen, ID: 04xxxxxxA, this message to Senator King was just sent. His federal website rejects messages that contain symbols, such as @, hence spelling out at in email address. Links reject, hence SenatorAngusKing.blogspot.com was entered with a space between o and m. I have attached my 2022 federal tax returns again for proof. 2023 return will be the same. No changes.

"December 22, 2023, Friday, 6 am. Senator King- You never responded to my 6th request for Coverme.gov fraud to deny my Federally funded Marketplace 2024 premium tax credit of $1,125.00, monthly. My income 2022 & 2023 AGI is 36,694.00 of alimony since 2008 to date 18,200 annually and pension since 2021, 18,494 annually. Tax status single.

Maine DHHS has Illegally forced me into MaineCare. I have sent my 2022 federal tax return proving my income many times to farmington.dhhsatmaine.gov, they refuse to correct. 

I cannot sign into My Maine Connection due to fraud. Not recognizing my email to proceed into my account to correct errors of listing only alimony 18,200, also wrong start date.  My checking account is wrong. I don't qualify for MaineCare. 

I can't travel, can't make or receive phone calls and email is my only communication. I will be without my marketplace health insurance with Community Health Options as of January 1 2024. I am copying this message on your federal contact website and pasting it to mmc.dhhs.atmaine.gov and farmington.dhhsatmaine.gov. 

This serves as my final evidence of State of Maine fraud to deny my Federally funded Marketplace healthcare insurance and multitudes of civil and constitutional rights. This will be posted on my blog for you, SenatorAngusKing.blogspot.co m.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915"

From: Senator Angus King <Senator@King.senate.gov>
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2023 5:48 AM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Subject: Re: MaineCare Fraud
Thank you for contacting me. Please accept this automated response as confirmation that I have received your communication. I am honored to represent you and the State of Maine here in the United States Senate. If you need immediate assistance, please contact the staff in one of my offices; their locations and phone numbers are below. 

I place great emphasis on making sure each message I receive is reviewed, responded to, and used to inform my work in Washington. I appreciate the chance to hear what's on your mind. Thank you for reaching out. 

Best Regards, 

Senator Angus S. King, Jr. 

12/17/23 email/post It's a killher. Sent video to email list @ 11:34 am
700 sadistic cancHer huntHer killHer shackled days of proof


Date: Sun, Dec 17, 2023, 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: HomeDHHSLumpBidenKingLwstnFraudBeckRape
To: georgeallen99 <georgeallen99@msn.com>, charlesbeck7@gmail.com <charlesbeck7@gmail.com>, Rschneider@mainepublic.org <Rschneider@mainepublic.org>, cbeck@mainepublic.org <cbeck@mainepublic.org>, mvogelzang@mainepublic.org <mvogelzang@mainepublic.org>, kshortall@mainepublic.org <kshortall@mainepublic.org>, Judycwoodruff@gmail.com <Judycwoodruff@gmail.com>, attorney.general@maine.gov <attorney.general@maine.gov>, Governor <governor@maine.gov>, susan.gagnon@maine.gov <susan.gagnon@maine.gov>, Senator Susan Collins <susan@collins.senate.gov>, Randall.liberty@maine.gov <Randall.liberty@maine.gov>, district1@waldocountyme.gov <district1@waldocountyme.gov>, Jeffrey Trafton <sheriff@waldocountyme.gov>, Kathleen Greeley <vwaa@waldocountyme.gov>, mayor@cityofbelfast.org <mayor@cityofbelfast.org>, ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org <ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org>, ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org <ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org>, ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org <ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org>, ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org <ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org>, ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org <ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org>, citymanager@cityofbelfast.org <citymanager@cityofbelfast.org>, cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org <cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org>, Deputyclerk@cityofbelfast.org <Deputyclerk@cityofbelfast.org>, planner@cityofbelfast.org <planner@cityofbelfast.org>, Annie McGowan <assessing@cityofbelfast.org>, assessor@cityofbelfast.org <assessor@cityofbelfast.org>, info@belfastwater.org <info@belfastwater.org>, William Entwisle <assistantda@waldocountyme.gov>, Districtattorney@waldocountyme.gov <Districtattorney@waldocountyme.gov>, Brooke.otis@courts.maine.gov <Brooke.otis@courts.maine.gov>, Lawcourt.clerk@courts.maine.gov <Lawcourt.clerk@courts.maine.gov>, bob richards <publicworks@cityofbelfast.org>, Perry, Bethany M <Bethany.M.Perry@maine.gov>, LIHEAP Email <liheap@waldocap.org>, Cransom@waldocap.org <cransom@waldocap.org>, Fsp <frontstreetpub@yahoo.com>, Angletreeplumbing@gmail.com <Angletreeplumbing@gmail.com>, jb@frontstreetshipyard.com <jb@frontstreetshipyard.com>, snorman@belfastlibrary.org <snorman@belfastlibrary.org>, Bharrington@belfastlibrary.org <Bharrington@belfastlibrary.org>, ethankingcole@gmail.com <ethankingcole@gmail.com>, whistleblower@cbsnews.com <whistleblower@cbsnews.com>, circulation@mainetoday.com <circulation@mainetoday.com>, Info@aclu.org <Info@aclu.org>, Investigatethis@apmreports.org <Investigatethis@apmreports.org>, rosellilaw@aol.com <rosellilaw@aol.com>, Molly Ross <mross@rsu71.org>, office@firstchurchinbelfast.org <office@firstchurchinbelfast.org>, Office@mainefuels.com <Office@mainefuels.com>, valeriemank@gmail.com <valeriemank@gmail.com>, news@pressherald.com <news@pressherald.com>, news@penbaypilot.com <news@penbaypilot.com>, wmcdc@womensmediacenter.com <wmcdc@womensmediacenter.com>, wmcny@womensmediacenter.com <wmcny@womensmediacenter.com>, Democracy Now! <announcement@democracynow.org>, tgroening@islandinstitute.org <tgroening@islandinstitute.org>, tips@theintercept.com <tips@theintercept.com>, tips@slate.com <tips@slate.com>, desk@cbs2NY.com <desk@cbs2ny.com>, nytnews@nytimes.com <nytnews@nytimes.com>, gloriasteinemoffice@gmail.com <gloriasteinemoffice@gmail.com>, The Clooney Foundation For Justice <info@cfj.org>, June M. Moore <juneryan@hotmail.com>, Childno4@aol.com <childno4@aol.com>, Kath13een@gmail.com <kath13een@gmail.com>, jeninmexico74@gmail.com <jeninmexico74@gmail.com>, elizatownsend@myfairpoint.net <elizatownsend@myfairpoint.net>, lora mills <loramills@yahoo.com>, dave reardon <spookyproducer@gmail.com>, neal@nealparent.com <neal@nealparent.com>, jkirlin@gmail.com <jkirlin@gmail.com>, rosicostello@gmail.com <rosicostello@gmail.com>, kathleenkearns@gmail.com <kathleenkearns@gmail.com>, ned.lightner@gmail.com <ned.lightner@gmail.com>, einstein@toast.net <einstein@toast.net>, Clif Staples <tcsofme@gmail.com>, Rick <rknudson6@yahoo.com>, samseljoseph@gmail.com <samseljoseph@gmail.com>, senator@king.senate.gov <senator@king.senate.gov>, Ben.smith@semafor.com <Ben.smith@semafor.com>, Press@globalhumanrights.org <Press@globalhumanrights.org>, Hannah.allam@washingtonpost.com <Hannah.allam@washingtonpost.com>, Info@polisci.wisc.edu <Info@polisci.wisc.edu>, Suhay@american.edu <Suhay@american.edu>, lsa@lawandsociety.org <lsa@lawandsociety.org>, l-nielsen@northwestern.edu <l-nielsen@northwestern.edu>, rachel.weiner@washingtonpost.com <rachel.weiner@washingtonpost.com>, Jan.Dodge@legislature.maine.gov <Jan.Dodge@legislature.maine.gov>, Stacey Abrams <info@staceyabrams.com>, Jon Carman <wwtp@cityofbelfast.org>, Chip.Curry@legislature.maine.gov <Chip.Curry@legislature.maine.gov>, chief@belfastmepd.org <chief@belfastmepd.org>, donald.lombardi@stevens.edu <donald.lombardi@stevens.edu>, jose.abad@stevens.edu <jose.abad@stevens.edu>, President@stevens.edu <President@stevens.edu>, Cos.mcgrath@stevens.edu <Cos.mcgrath@stevens.edu>, Susan.metz@stevens.edu <Susan.metz@stevens.edu>, Gregory.townsend@stevens.edu <Gregory.townsend@stevens.edu>, Phyllis.ruiz@stevens.edu <Phyllis.ruiz@stevens.edu>, rvezza@starledger.com <rvezza@starledger.com>, Mercedes.mckay@stevens.edu <Mercedes.mckay@stevens.edu>, acurtis@bangordailynews.com <acurtis@bangordailynews.com>, farmington.dhhs@maine.gov <farmington.dhhs@maine.gov>, beheard.me55@gmail.com <beheard.me55@gmail.com>, LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>

From: John Reiff <reiffj@freeholdpolice.org>
Sent: Friday, August 6, 2021 2:09 PM
To: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Subject: RE: Pedigree Info

Miss Allen,


Good News, I figured out that the apartments you are talking about and from what you explained and what I found doing some research, it did indeed happen in Freehold Borough.


Here is the bad news: As I stated in my earlier e-mail, NJ has no statute of limitations for certain criminal charges including sexual assault.

My legal advisor has gotten back to me and explained that NJ has a sliding scale starting back in 1979.

I have attached the statute of limitations sheet for sexual offenses for the state of NJ.


It states and of course I confirmed with my legal advisor, that based off your time line when the crime occurred in 1981, It’s 5 years,  so we would have needed to charge/indict by June 1986.


Unfortunately, the law states that we could not charge him even if we built a case on him.  


I wish I had better news for you and if I can help you in any other way, please let me know


DSgt John Reiff




DSgt. JohnT Reiff

Freehold Borough Police Department

Detective Division

36 Jackson St

Freehold NJ 07728

732 462-1234

I was Lombardi's student 10/1981-12/1981. He drug raped me in 1/1982. I have sent this to many, many, many. NJCASA too. No response. Hoboken Police Department is a reported rape ring. Steven's is in Hoboken, State of Maine/MaineHealth Rape Ring.  Lombardi's system. To date. Rape 4 Profit. Sickening. 

I have filed my witness statement with the Belfast Police department in 6/2020 and they buried it. I've posted it wherever I could since 2014 when I realized he drug raped me when Bill Cosby was ousted in 2014. 

In 1981, @ 20, I was working full-time at NJ Aluminum, accounts receivable and attending night school through Middlesex County College. Taking personnel management fall semester 1981 @ M.C.C. satellite, Old Bridge Regional High School. Lombardi was my professor. 

After many weeks into the course, he asked me to stay after class. He asked me if I knew that he was attracted to me? I did not and wanted nothing to do with him. I said no. He asked me out to dinner. I said no. He asked if it was because he was my professor. I said yes. This way I did not hurt him and thought it was over.

Instead, he asked me if I would go out with him after the course was over. I thought I'd never see him again after the course so I said yes to avoid this.

At the next class, he asked me to stay again. He said he was a "head hunter" for American Hospital Supply, personnel director. He said AHS could double my salary of 9k and I should interview for an opening as credit correspondent. I said yes.

In December, after the 3rd interview, I got the job, beginning 1/4/1982. The class had ended and he called me into his office for the dinner date. I was shocked. He was my manager and I did not want to date him ever. I keep my word and had to go to dinner with him. I was horrified that co-workers would learn of the one date and think I slept my way into the job.

He came to my home, sat and talked with my mother and took me to dinner at Van's in Freehold. Mom had taken me there before, it was considered classy. We had a nice dinner. He is Mr. Personality, loud, witty and funny. This was business for me. I had one drink at dinner. I am small but I could out drink many men. High tolerance from alcoholic family genes. The more I drank, the tougher I got over sexual advances to myself or any female in danger. All who know me know this.

After dinner, I asked to go home. He said he had to stop at his apartment because he had to pick up an important message. It was nearby and then to South River. Ok. I said I would wait in the car. I believe it was a brown 280 ZX, sportscar. He said it would take about 10 minutes and that I should come up because it was below freezing out. I said ok. I did not sense any danger and would not allow any advances. He was very respectful. I felt safe to go.

Inside, he showed me a framed newspaper article and picture of him as a medaled amateur boxer. I didn't care. Boxing is brutality. He offered me a drink while he went into another room to take care of his important business call. 

After the call, I asked to go home. He said he wanted to have one drink before leaving. He made me one too. We sat on the couch, talking and laughing. Then, everything was fuzzy. He led me to his bed. I was like a zombie. Without senses. Passing out.

He was raping me and I was helpless, couldn't speak or move. Paralyzed. I passed out and woke the next morning, naked with Lombardi in his bed. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I got dressed and told him to take me home. I didn't say another word to him. My mother looked at me like I was a whore and I felt like a whore. I never did that and never cheated. To date.

A week later, he calls me into his office again. He asks to take me out again. I was disgusted and said no. My mother won't allow it. That worked. He left AHS @ 120 Raritan Center Parkway, Edison, NJ, within the next year or so. Gone and eventually forgotten. Until Cosby. Then I knew evil. 

Now he's been shackled to my ankle & life. Reliving evil and enduring constant State of Maine Rape Ring 4 Profit with MaineHealth abutting, abusing and targeting me & mine. Alone & almost 63. 


Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terror
Belfast, Maine 04915

Dr. Donald Lombardi 

Distinguished Industry Professor and Academic Director of the Veterans Program, Stevens Institute of Technology

Professional Service
United States Marine Corps                    1976 – 1980

Held progressive billets as a human affairs officer, field and sea communication officer, and educational director; original programs designed and still in use include the GED Proficiency Program and the Base Community Relations Program. Received two Commanding General’s Commendations; youngest officer commissioned in the 1970’s.     
Stevens Veterans' Office - Faculty Liaison
General Information
Over 25 years of diverse executive level management experience including founding and leading an organizational development consulting firm with more than 200 clients, leading the planning and development activities of a 10,000+ student university, developing and leading a unique online graduate education program, leading professional development for a $20B pharmaceutical firm, and publishing eleven books and over 50 articles on leadership, management, strategic management and human capital development
 Faculty Associate 1978 – 1988
Dr. Donald Lombardi has consulted for more than 170 healthcare organizations in all 50 states and ten foreign countries, has developed seven accreditation programs for the American College of Healthcare Executives and has written more than 40 articles and 12 books, including Handbook for the New Healthcare Manager and, most recently, Manual of Healthcare Leadership and Management (McGraw-Hill, 2014).
  As the youngest officer commissioned in the United States Marine Corps during the 1970s, he instituted numerous educational and management systems that were lauded by both military and civilian experts. He has acted as a healthcare advisor to legislators and government administrators at the state and federal levels and has implemented strategic plans, educational systems and organizational development programs for Barnabas Health System, SUNY Stony Brook Medical Center, more than 40 Veterans Administration Medical Centers, the Visiting Nursing Association of New Jersey, the University of Maryland Medical System and the Republic of the Marshall Islands.
  • Dr. Lombardi was selected as the Alexander Crombie Humphreys Distinguished Professor at Stevens Institute of Technology in 2014 and was recently selected as Outstanding Teacher of the Year by the Stevens Alumni Association (2016) and Outstanding Professor of the Year by the Stevens Student Government Association (2017).

Taught graduate courses at Fordham University, including Organizational Behavior, Organizational Theory, Strategic Planning and Change, and Professional Development. Also have taught and designed communication, management and leadership courses at both the graduate and undergraduate level at Stevens Institute of Technology, Monmouth University, the University of Maryland, the University of Scranton, Centenary College, Syracuse University, LeMoyne College, Middlesex County College and Coastal Carolina Community College.

  • 1984 Post-doctorate studies in Organizational Development
  • 1983 Ph.D. – Organizational Psychology
  • 1978 MA – Human Resources Management
  • 1976 BA - English
End of 12/17/23 email add on to 2? year long thread below

From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2023 9:16 AM
To: georgeallen99 <georgeallen99@msn.com>; charlesbeck7@gmail.com <charlesbeck7...

May this not be cancer. State of InHuMaine with Senator Angus King, Federal Government, global system drug rapist Dr Donald Lombardi and his powerful, diabolical players, illegally stripped me of my federal health insurance coverage on 12/15/2023. To force me into their system again and take all of me and mine. 13+ years of documenting fascism. Always hoping for national reporting. Until then, I remain on lock down, even if cancer. No Illegal MaineCare deathcare for me. Home is best. System corrupt did this. Hang on Sloopy, hang on. Otay. BoycottBelfast.blogspot.com 

12/12/23 BoycottBelfast.blogspot.com Sent to Laurie's List of 106.

Yesterday, a stranger with Maine license plates, knocked several times as I was sleeping. The stranger was trying to peek through my windows. 

I have posted a DO NOT TRESPASS sign on my front porch. As Russia's Putin critic, Alexei Navalny has been poisoned, sentenced and now missing in Russia's penal system, I shelter for peace in my home. The U.S. Constitution protected by the Bill of Rights is not protection. Freedom is not safe as the State of Maine cuffs and kidnaps me from my home, again and again.  MaineHealth has poisoned and abused me, the State of Maine has force drugged me with unknown pills, inflicts horrific abuse and has shackled my innocent ankle with a cancerous satellite system militant, 700 days, maximum dosage of radiation, targeting and demoralization. Mob mentality. Traumatic stress and terror to loved ones.  

Motions after motions to remove their shackle making me so ill (with video) were denied, with intent to harm, by Judge Robert Murray and ADA Entwistle. Barbaric and InHuMaine. Rapists go free as I expose system rape and corruption. Fabricating what they wish, no one to stop them. Just me. Alone.

I have done all I must. I am at peace, having survived life threatening attempts after attempts.  As corruption history dictates itself, State of Maine takes my federal marketplace coverage with Senator Angus King ignoring 6 requests to reinstate my federal insurance and investigate fraud and gross abuse of power.

If I do have illness, the system of the professor who drug raped me in 1/1982, Dr. Donald Lombardi, is the government, educational, business, social and healthcare system protecting him and his. His network is global and lethal to accountability and me.

I cannot stop him from taking me again and again. This plan to Illegally force MaineCare on me is life threatening. Cuff, kidnap, State of Maine/MaineHealth penal system,  fabricate, repeat until complete.

I want to stay in my home without intrusion. I want to make my choice to seek healthcare or not. I am debt free and loyal to Mother Nature. Let me be.

Laurie Allen

12/8/23 Sent on Senator King's federal website. Confirmed. 

From: Senator Angus King <Senator@King.senate.gov>
Sent: Friday, December 8, 2023 10:35 AM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Subject: Re: 6th reqCoverme Abuse/Fraud
Thank you for contacting me. Please accept this automated response as confirmation that I have received your communication. I am honored to represent you and the State of Maine here in the United States Senate. If you need immediate assistance, please contact the staff in one of my offices; their locations and phone numbers are below. 

I place great emphasis on making sure each message I receive is reviewed, responded to, and used to inform my work in Washington. I appreciate the chance to hear what's on your mind. Thank you for reaching out. 

Best Regards, 

Senator Angus S. King, Jr. 

Sent @ 9:45 am to these recipients, then to list of 106.

DHHS/Coverme.gov Documents Farmington, Rachel Collamore, Community Health Options, and Maine Senator Angus King,

1. DHHS- Please forward this entire thread to Senator King as his direct email is unlisted. I will be posting this on my blog SenatorAngusKing.blogspot.com and BoycottBelfast.blogspot.com.

2. DHHS/Coverme.gov- As detailed, and now confirmed by Rachel Collamore, Maine CAHC, your intentional mistake to rescind my federal marketplace health insurance with Community Health Options Lewiston Maine, is fraudulent. Forcing MaineCare on me is fraudulent. Repeated proof of mbefore forcing MaineCare and all this abuse of power is of no accountability.

Rachel Collamore states alimony payments received before 2019 are taxable (recipient of alimony since 2007) and an easy mistake by DHHS/Coverme to force me into MaineCare. This table from my marketplace health insurance, Community Health Options, proves that Coverme renewed coverage in 2019 to date. 
"I am providing you with a simple table that will show you what your premium payment was at the start of the year and end of the year according to what is shown in our records. Unfortunately, if premium amounts were quoted over the phone by CoverME to you personally, I do not have any information available to explain why there would be a difference. Typically, annual income initially reported at the time of enrollment and income changes throughout the year are what would cause the amount you pay each month to fluctuate. We only see the finalized updates sent from them. I hope this helps!

    Year                              Premium $ January                             Premium $ December                2016                                       $71.11                                                 $71.11
    2019                                       $0.00                                                   $0.00
    2020                                       $9.14                                                   $9.14
    2021                                       $2.01                                                   $2.01
    2022                                       $126.68                                               $126.68
    2023                                       $2.58                                                   $2.58

3. DHHS Farmington is the document office. Coverme.gov has cut my live chat to continue this abuse of power. DHHS and Coverme.gov have receipt of my 2022 federal tax returns, that are the same for 2023, AGI $36,694.

Please forward this thread to coverme.gov and copy me, laurieallen55@msn.com. Please use this thread to rescind your MaineCare determination and reinstate my 11/1/23 automatic renewal federal marketplace APTC with Community Health Options Lewiston Maine, TODAY, 12/8/23.
Please confirm automatic renewal via email laurieallen55@msn.com, memberservices@healthoptions.org, and on my coverme.gov message portal.

4. Community Health Options Lewiston- This is an FYI. If time frames expire for changing plans and coverage, this will serve as an exception for immediate retroactive coverage for the Platinum plan.

5. Senator Angus King- This fraudulent abuse of power is life threatening. If there is not any federal marketplace health insurance rightfully reinstated today, I may have cancer without insurance and treatment. MaineCare is not legal and I do not break the law. Documented to the hill and back, lifetime.

State of Maine/Waldo CAP Liheap destroyed my furnace with 250 gallons of tainted oil from MaineFuel 2 years ago. Constant vigilance to heat my home with a small woodstove chains me home, 24/7. Protecting all I have left.

Prior to furnace destruction and Sgt. Fitzpatrick illegally breaking my door down at gunpoint (9/25/20), without a warrant, neighbor MPBN VP Charles Beck interfered and corrupted my for sale by owner. To stop me from fleeing this sick, constant surveillance, terrorizing, property destruction, theft, illegal fabricated arrests, kidnappings (10?) by State of Maine government, illegal involuntary hospitalization, 1/8/2019. No prior diagnosed mental illness and not in crisis. Regardless of, then, 9 years, government epic abuse against me and my constitutional rights. Force drugging me, needles, under MaineHealth and State of Maine full scale cover up. Fabricating me with a diagnosis of "persecutory delusional". Fabricating me as incompetent to stand trial. Endless attempts to silence my proof of State of Maine, MaineHealth corruption to drug rapist, global system guru, Professor Dr. Donald Lombardi, Steven's Institute of Technology, Hoboken NJ.

Senator King, please hold your government and MaineHealth accountable. This is undeniable with my volumes of first hand proof. My job is always accountability and to fix. Myself included and number one. Nobody beats me up better than myself. Conscience. Numbing out conscience is enabling wrong.

Renew my marketplace with healthcare facilities that will care for my health without fear of retaliation. Have the State of Maine settle, clear all records, State to MaineHealth, and relocate.

Or, I stay until I am gone. There is nothing left to prove and this system rat wheel continues. Tax payers expense for 13 years to protect State of Maine corruption and system rapes.

Merry Kritmas,
Laurie Allen


From: Rachel Collamore <rcollamore@mainecahc.org>
Sent: Thursday, December 7, 2023 4:57 PM
To: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Subject: RE: Fw: 3rd final reqRe: No MaineCare


I just saw your message and realize you are unable to travel for an in-person enrollment. As I stated in my previous email, I cannot reinstate your coverage. My first advice is to reach out to CoverME.gov and alert them to the error I pointed out in my last email. Correcting this error should do the trick. It is an easy mistake to make. Please keep me updated.




Rachel Collamore
Consumer Assistance Program Manager
(she, her, hers)

Consumers for Affordable Health Care 
Advocating the right to quality, affordable, health care for every person in Maine.
1-800-965-7476      www.mainecahc.org 
207-480-2140     1-888-214-5233
PO Box 2490 Augusta, ME 04338 USA

From: Rachel Collamore <rcollamore@mainecahc.org>
Sent: Thursday, December 7, 2023 4:50 PM
To: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Subject: RE: 2022 Fed Tax RetFw: YourPlanEnrollment.pdf


It looks like CoverME and DHHS are listing your alimony payments as non-taxable; in your case, they are taxable. Alimony payments awarded before January 1, 2019 are taxable. Alimony payments awarded after that date are non-taxable. I believe this is where the error occurred. However, I am not able to reinstate coverage because I do not work for CoverME.gov and I do not have the authority to act on your behalf. Because you cannot use a telephone, I am wondering if it would be helpful to connect you with a Certified Maine Enrollment Assister (MEA) who might be able to meet with you in person to identify and correct this income error in your application. An MEA would also be able to help you change your plan.

If this would work for you, please let me know.




Rachel Collamore
Consumer Assistance Program Manager
(she, her, hers)

12/6/23 Sent to King & then email thread list of 106.

December 6 2023, 8am
5th Request to Maine Senator Angus King (king.senate.gov) for my Marketplace health insurance life saving continuance. Illegally denied by State of InHuMaine. See SenatorAngusKing.blogspot.co m.


Sent to email thread list @ 9:54 pm


Forcing me into MaineCare is illegal. I just learned of a couple where MaineCare took their home for payment. FYI:

9:30 pm Message sent on Senator King's federal website.

 Dec. 1, 2023 4th request. Coverme.gov fraudulently rescinded my federal marketplace APTC of 1,107.72 monthly per my insurance Community Health Options, Lewiston. My 2022 federal adjusted gross income was 36,694 and is 36,694 for 2023. I sent my uploaded 2022 federal tax return to Farmington.dhhs at maine.gov

Today, I received a letter from DHHS stating I am approved for MaineCare. Impossible. 1 person household gross income limit 1580. My monthly gross income is 3058. I  housebound and cannot travel. I can email my uploaded 2022 federal tax to you. If you do not intervene and have my federal marketplace APTC reinstated immediately than I will be without healthcare insurance. 

To use MaineCare, as DHHS is trying to force me to do, is illegal and fraudulent. I want to change my plan with Community Health Options. December 15, 2023 is the deadline for changing plans to begin on January 1, 2024. I need to be examined for a breast lump immediately. I cannot schedule an appointment without my 2024 marketplace insurance reinstated immediately. 

Please help Senator King. My phone is still hacked. I am unable to make calls. It isn't necessary for phone calls. This error is created by coverme.gov, hacking the site so I can't enter a new application and download my 2022 federal tax return. On November 1, 2023, my marketplace automatically renewed with Community Health Options. Two weeks later, coverme.gov began taking my federal marketplace away. Illegally. 

Thank you,
Laurie Allen. 

 From: Senator Angus King <Senator@King.senate.gov>
Sent: Friday, December 1, 2023 9:31 PM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Subject: Re: Illegally denying federal marketplace
Thank you for contacting me. Please accept this automated response as confirmation that I have received your communication. I am honored to represent you and the State of Maine here in the United States Senate. If you need immediate assistance, please contact the staff in one of my offices; their locations and phone numbers are below.

I place great emphasis on making sure each message I receive is reviewed, responded to, and used to inform my work in Washington. I appreciate the chance to hear what's on your mind. Thank you for reaching out.

Best Regards,

Senator Angus S. King, Jr.

Sent to email thread list of 106 @8:51 am

Professor Dr. Donald Lombardi PhD and Maine Governor Janet Mills,

Your relationship and determination to use your unscaled abuse of power to end my life to coverup system sadistic rapes and system healthcare profits is well documented by me. First hand, 1/1982 to date.

Unable to stop me through 13 brutal years of your corruption, every right to life, both continue through healthcare deathcare and federally funded marketplace healthcare insurance fraud. Senator Angus King is evading responsibility to intervene. 

It appears that my current marketplace insurance with Community Health Options, Lewiston, Maine is working with you to end my coverage. My member ID with them doesn't exist online. Member services and coverme.gov dodgeball is clear.

Here is the proof of my coverage that legally continues through 2024. With coverage, global system healthcare guru, Professor Dr. Donald Lombardi who drug raped me in January, 1982. What system would provide  life saving treatment to me? Zero.

Further using system corruption to take the little I have left, house and property, to deny my children inheritance from your destruction to our simple lives. That is beyond hate. It's grand scale mental illness. 

Posted on SenatorAngusKing.blogspot.com

Laurie Allen

 From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Friday, December 1, 2023 7:22 AM
To: MemberServices <memberservices@healthoptions.org>; farmington.dhhs@maine.gov <farmington.dhhs@maine.gov>;  +6
Subject: Fw: YourPlanEnrollment.pdf
Resending with corrected email address to DHHS Documents Farmington.

From: Laurie Allen <beheard.me55@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2023 7:25 PM
To: dhhsfarmington@maine.gov <dhhsfarmington@maine.gov>; memberservices@healthoptions.org <memberservices@healthoptions.org>;  + 6
Subject: YourPlanEnrollment.pdf
DHHS Documents Farmington & Member Services Community Health Options,

Attached and partially quoted here, is the letter from Cover me.gov, dated 11/1/23, ID# 1025646 confirming automatic renewal for 2024. 

" You need to make your 1rst monthly payment.

Health Options Clear Choice Bronze $7500 PPP NE

Monthly premium $2.66

Annual Deductible $7500

Start Date 1/1/24

Full price monthly premium $1108.47

Tax Credit Savings $1105.81

Monthly premium $2.66

Remember, tax credit savings are based on your household's estimated annual income."

I have attached my 2022 Federal Tax return.

My 2023 income is the same as 2022 of $36,694. I sent a check through bill pay, Camden National Bank to Community Health Options, P.O. Box 986529, Boston, MA 02298-6529, $50.55. Confirmation Number 47, estimated delivery date 12/7/23.
Fifty five cents final 2023 balance billed and $50 towards 2024. First monthly payment is pending platinum plan quotes from 11/29/23 request to member services.

Until changes are made, the Clear Choice Bronze Plan $2.66 is in place for 1/1/24 per documentation submitted in this email and prior email 11/30/23 of open enrollment confirmation dated 10/19/22.

Please confirm this enrollment as printed here.

Thank you,
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace 
Belfast, ME 04915
DOB 12/31/1960

 From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Friday, December 1, 2023 7:27 AM
To: farmington.dhhs@maine.gov <farmington.dhhs@maine.gov>; MemberServices <memberservices@healthoptions.org>; +6
Subject: Fw: OpenEnrollmentTaxCredit (1).pdf
2nd resending to include the attachment letter confirming enrollment. Resending with corrected email address to DHHS Documents Farmington.

From: Laurie Allen <beheard.me55@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2023 6:42 PM
To:>; memberservices@healthoptions.org <>; dhhsfarmington@maine.gov <dhhsfarmington@maine.gov>; +6
Subject: OpenEnrollmentTaxCredit (1).pdf
DHHS Documents Farmington & Member Services Community Health Options,

Here is the 10/19/22 Coverme.gov letter that 'Laurie qualifies to purchase private health insurance through coverme.gov, beginning 1/1/23,
APTC $924.00

My 2023 income is the same as 2022. Total income, $36,694.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915

DOB 12/31/1960


Senator King Web Contact Message Sent to email list of 105 & https://www.mainecahc.org/about-us/contact-us/

Your message was sent successfully. We'll be in touch! You can also reach us by calling 1-800-965-7476 most week days between 8am and 4:30pm.
 Subject: 3Re: LumpBidenInsCellKingLwstnFraudBeckRape

11/27/23 3rd Message to Senator King
Sarah Graettinger, 207-213-7075 You left a message that did not address coverme.gov / Gov Mills fraud/hacking to my federal marketplace renewal coverage. See details on SenatorAngusKing.blogspot.com.

Please send me your email address and I will forward you my 2022 tax returns of pension 18,525 and alimony 18,200, 36,725 annual income. Same now. Automatic renewal did process for 2024 with Community Health Options Clear Choice Bronze. Coverme.gov sent them message rescinding my marketplace coverage for 2024 and cancelled my coverage for 2024. I am currently enrolled with Community Health as I have been for years through marketplace. 

As blog states, the coverme.gov rep re entered my renewal but it would not allow for the correct income input. After holds the rep came back and said it was taking too long, to call and disconnected the chat.

Knowing I cannot make voice calls as advised with all this information in 2 messages on this contact to Senator King, liaison for federal programs to Maine residents. I tried to do a new application on coverage.gov but it will not allow me to do income. As the rep couldn't do either. 

Please use email to your contact at coverme.gov, include me, laurieallen55@msn.com and reinstate my automatic renewal immediately. Nothing has changed on my renewal for  coverage from last year's application. I just found a breast lump as told in the last message. I cannot seek medical care until my 2024 marketplace insurance is reinstated with Community Health Options, Clear Choice Bronze. I am housebound. 

This is intentional fraudulent abuse and abuse of power to deny my rights to marketplace healthcare insurance that I have been enrolled through for years without issue. If this is cancer, refusal to rectify this immediately is death for me. Please do not do this to me. Please use email for all communications and documentation.

Thank you, 
Laurie Allen

From: Senator Angus King <Senator@King.senate.gov>
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2023 8:01 PM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Subject: Re: Coverme Abuse/Fraud
Thank you for contacting me. Please accept this automated response as confirmation that I have received your communication. I am honored to represent you and the State of Maine here in the United States Senate. If you need immediate assistance, please contact the staff in one of my offices; their locations and phone numbers are below.

I place great emphasis on making sure each message I receive is reviewed, responded to, and used to inform my work in Washington. I appreciate the chance to hear what's on your mind. Thank you for reaching out.

Best Regards,

Senator Angus S. King, Jr.

11/26/23 My message received @7:39 am on King's contact me site. Copied here.

Dear Senator King,

On 11/15/23, your email confirmation states a response will be forthcoming. As of 11/26, no response. Governor Mills has illegally rescinded my federal marketplace automatic renewal of my healthcare coverage. As proven on the blog I previously advised you of, SenatorAngusKing.blogspot.co m.

This is an emergency as there is a lump in my breast, requiring an immediate biopsy. First Lady Dr. Jill Biden has been notified and posted on your blog with all relative facts. I cannot research my options for a biopsy without 1/1/2024 marketplace healthcare insurance. Time is critical and I must have coverage and choice of appropriate coverage under a harrowing fraudulent history with Maine healthcare, and the entire Maine government system as you are well aware. Documented for 13 brutal years on current blog, BoycottBelfast.blogspot.co m. 

Until you advise of that my automatic renewal (previously received to Community Health Options, Lewiston and myself for their Clear Choice Bronze Plan) I cannot make any appointments. I must research the plans for possible changes to my current Bronze plan expiring in weeks at Governor Mills power over coverme.gov. Phone calls have been hacked to deny calls for many weeks. Site access to healthcare.gov has been hacked to deny my access. Ditto with coverme.gov to manually submit a new application to override Governor Mills rescinding regardless of hours of site chat representatives re- entering my application two times and system hack to disallow correct income input of 36k with 2022 federal and state tax returns. 

I tried to input a new application, draft #1403059 but system hack prevents entering income and stops the application. Pattern history of federal LiHeap services to me were destroyed by Governor Mills without federal investigation as also requesting to you. Ample proof and documentation.

Marketplace healthcare insurance coverage renewal is the immediate priority that I beg of you. My life in Belfast/State of Maine is in perpetual danger.

Leaving my home is life threatening without your intervention. Repairing my access to cell phone calls and web access is also paramount. It is the only communication I have left after every internet provider has joined Governor Mills to deny service, overcharge, abuse, etc. TWC, Spectrum, Consolidated Communications, Verizon, U.S. Cellular to date. Just me v JustUs. 

It has been life threatening for 13 brutal years under the watch of neighbor, PBS/MPBN Charles Beck and MaineHealth. As advised to the First Lady, I have been forced to advise Donald Trump of denials to try and get life saving media attention. I am at your disposal.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915

 From: Senator Angus King <Senator@King.senate.gov>
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2023 7:39 AM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Subject: Re: Coverme Abuse/Fraud
Thank you for contacting me. Please accept this automated response as confirmation that I have received your communication. I am honored to represent you and the State of Maine here in the United States Senate. If you need immediate assistance, please contact the staff in one of my offices; their locations and phone numbers are below.

I place great emphasis on making sure each message I receive is reviewed, responded to, and used to inform my work in Washington. I appreciate the chance to hear what's on your mind. Thank you for reaching out.

Best Regards,

Senator Angus S. King, Jr.


11/25/23 Breast lump discovered. Messaged via messenger to First Lady Dr. Jill Biden (can be viewed on BoycottBelfast.blogspot.com ) current email sent to list + DHHS.Farmington@maine.gov & memberservices@healthoptions.org, 11/25/23 @ 10:13 am

Dr. Donald Lombardi, Governor Janet Mills, Community Health Options Member Service and DHHS Farmington Documents for Coverme.gov,

My daughter is far away and calls still can't be received or made on either phone. I have 2. My U.S. Cellular phone, monthly plan charge is $43.40 since 2021, has been hacked completely for weeks, disconnected during a 611 call with customer service at that time. No calls, no web access, useless. In town Belfast. Surrounded by excellent service to all except me. Previous to US Cellular, Verizon did the same and worse. Relentless targeting. Pointless to endanger my life by driving to the Belfast U.S. Cellular as I did with Verizon. That resulted in being sold a hacked new IPAD, never to work, and service hacking continued with Verizon to stop court ordered therapy during COVID. Where I was beyond fearful, driving to Northern Lights Medical in Bangor for sessions as Belfast Corrections did all they could to force me into Belfast therapy. To be forced into their MaineHealth mental drugging death care again. Hacking phone sessions to fabricate probation violation to keep me at their disposal after use of sick system abuse by ...

My 2nd phone is the SafeLink program phone that I have been using for sketchy web service. Calls in and out were also hacked weeks ago with the U.S. Cellular phone. Clearly trying to force me out of my house for targeting by hacking both phones for even emergency 911 calls. Routed to Belfast Waldo County Sheriff aka Corrections. Where I have been kidnapped into again and again. Creepy hands searching me, up and down. creepy vibrator sales blaring all night on the TV in the 3 cell female jail, trapped in another cement cell, no windows, no toilet, no bed, held illegally for over 24 hrs, officials refusing to open the door to use a bathroom, forcing urination on the floor, to be opened at 4am, cuffed and shackled again. Transported to Somerset Jail, near Skowhegan/Farmington, to be body, eyeball X-ray scanned, lice showered, held without charges, during COVID, to video hearing of none sense with the regulars. Judge Robert Murray and ADA Mr. Bill Entwistle. Trying to force another court owned attorney on me. I did not waiver and Somerset Jail sent me back to Belfast on the 3rd day. On and on it goes. As all know and are so tired of corruption. Just finish her already. How can she keep surviving? Mother Nature.

Seems this is her final chapter to use me to stop this system assault on life. Keep abusing an innocent, nearing 63, single, female, most likely inflicted with cancer by the system. Perhaps taking longer than swallowed, eaten or drank. Unprovable but within reason. 

Maybe hearts will open. There is nothing I want more than to protect this Earth from the wars of man. Giving my life, as many do. Females without system support rarely survive. Well documented on PBS. Isn't that right ? Ask neighbor Charles Beck prior PBS/MPBN VP ousted before retirement with Mark Vogelzang prior PBS/MPBN President. Both enabling my silence, both cut after my lawsuit against MPBN and MaineHealth. Both my pro Se lawsuits smothered by system law firms with my regular, Judge Robert Murray dismissing both without a hearing. Judge Robert Murray refusing to recuse himself no matter my efforts. Shackle her, get her, end her.  Who wouldn't want to be me, Keith Urban sings so well.

Please stop making me do this. Clear all State of Maine and MaineHealth records of fabrication. Settle and use this to overhaul System with independent volunteers of youth integrity. Allow me access to a biopsy that Lombardi, State of Maine, and system do not have power over. Perhaps Community Health Options in Lewiston and Patrick Dempsey can offer me safe, insured access. Have coverme.gov renew my automatic, federally mandated, marketplace health insurance with Community Health Options, Lewiston.

Open up my phone lines and web access.
Replace my furnace and tainted fuel tank, replace my front door that Sgt. Fitzpatrick illegally broke through on 9/25/20, for starters or include this house in a settlement, and move me to a safe house with access to safe healthcare.

Honor and protect my children. They are hurting.

Stop This Hate and Help.

Laurie Allen

11/24/23 Sent full entry (at end)  sent to Laurie's List 11/24/23 6:45 am and partial of the full entry here is posted on BoycottBelfast.blogspot.com 
post on SenatorAngusKing.blogspot.com (if message appears that proceeding to site may be unsafe is UNTRUE. If still unsure then search out without blog address. My blogs do not have viruses, do not profit from ads or anywhere. Free information on the defiling of democracy. First hand with 13 years of documentation. DHHS Documents Farmington and Senator King are not responding. Take the 5th against America. Not me. Silence her. NO! 

(previous entries dated 11/19-11/23 prove more Coverme.gov rights/abuse of power...)

See below the 11/21/23 entry of 2nd message to Senator Angus King on his site is dated and last (below Bangor Daily News article where the State of Maine made me a fabricated felon, 8/20/2019.)

11/19/23 The 11/18/23 email is posted below the 11/15/23 post. 

 Note 11/18/23 email sent to list @1:08 pm of condensed State of InHuMaine Gaza Strip/Ukraine tactics against facts of documented terrorizing system corruption cannot be copied and pasted at this time, 2 pm. due to hacking. Maine Independent Senator Angus King must investigate State of Maine fraud of Federal Marketplace Health Insurance and LIHEAP against me and the whole 13 years of denying constitutional rights through epic power of abuse. I will advise when able to copy and paste my "most excellent" email. Love old SNL. I AIN'T GOING NOWHERE TFN. DON'T CUFF AND KIDNAP ME NO MORE. Pretty, pretty please, "SIRES".



› services › help-with-federal-agency
Helping ensure that federal government agencies are responsive to Mainers' needs is one of my most important jobs as your United States Senator. I am proud to work on your behalf · Acting as a liaison between ...


From: Senator Angus King <Senator@King.senate.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2023 8:20 PM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Subject: Re: Coverme Abuse/Fraud
Thank you for contacting me. Please accept this automated response as confirmation that I have received your communication. I am honored to represent you and the State of Maine here in the United States Senate. If you need immediate assistance, please contact the staff in one of my offices; their locations and phone numbers are below.

I place great emphasis on making sure each message I receive is reviewed, responded to, and used to inform my work in Washington. I appreciate the chance to hear what's on your mind. Thank you for reaching out.

Best Regards,

Senator Angus S. King, Jr.

Toll-free from within Maine: 1-800-432-1599

133 Hart Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 224-5344

40 Western Avenue, Room #412
Augusta, ME 04330
(207) 622-8292

202 Harlow Street, Suite 20350
Bangor, ME 04401
(207) 945-8000

227 Main Street
Biddeford, ME 04005
(207) 352-5216

1 Pleasant Street, Suite 4W
Portland, ME 04101
(207) 245-1565

169 Academy Street, Suite A
Presque Isle, ME 04769
(207) 764-5124

-----Original Message-----
From: laurieallen55@msn.com
Subject: Coverme Abuse/Fraud

Dear Senator King,

The previous message that I sent earlier tonight did not contain the information. I tried again but it would not accept the copy and pasted emails with Community Health Options and DHHS Farmington. I created a blog specific for you to have all the information needed to resolve and continue my coverage. Please see SenatorAngusKing.blogspot.com

Thank you,
Laurie Allen

More on BoycottBelfast.blogspot.com.

Dear Senator King,

Please investigate abuse and fraud against me by  Coverme. As the email thread below proves fraudulent denial of marketplace APTC and cutting communications. As explained, my phone calls are hacked and it is not safe for me to travel anywhere. DHHS Farmington is not responding. Please have  my automatic renewal with Community Health Options reinstated with my federal APTC as detailed below. Please help me. Forcing phone calls that will be dropped or dangerous travel are not possible or necessary. Thank you, Laurie Allen See 13 years of Maine agencies,  LiHeap, etc. life threatening corruption to me on Boycottbelfast.blogspot...

Governor Mills, legislative branch, AG, etc. will not assist and support all abuse to coverup proven state corruption. Where did America go?

Thank you for your anticipated resolution.

Laurie Allen

17 Seaview Terrace

Belfast, Maine 04915

From: Enrollment <enrollment@healthoptions.org> 

Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2023 1:05 PM

To: laurieallen55@msn.com <laurieallen55@msn.com>

Subject: RE: 3rd final reqRe: No MaineCare

Dear Ms. Allen,

Thank you for contacting Community Health Options. I have reviewed your enrollment and see since we last confirmed enrollment with you, we have since received termination of your 2024 passive enrollment. These files are received from coverme.gov.  Community Health Options (CHO) unfortunately has no control over your eligibility with coverme.gov in terms of qualifying for the APTC or if they feel you qualify for MaineCare.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of assistance.


Enrollment & Eligibility Team

Community Health Options

P.O. Box 1121

Lewiston, ME 04243

Member Services: 855-624-6463


From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>

Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2023 8:12 AM

To: farmington.dhhs@maine.gov <farmington.dhhs@maine.gov>; MemberServices <memberservices@healthoptions.org>; LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>

Subject: 3rd final reqRe: No MaineCare

Dear Community Health Options Member Services and DHHS Documents Farmington,

DHHS Documents Farmington has not responded to errors to force MaineCare or pay open market price by not alotting my marketplace federal APTC.  Coverme has used this error since 2022, intentionally and fraudulently.

They should refund the overpayment from 2022. For the 2023 enrollment, my email to Community Health Options Member Services identifying fraudulent errors resulted in correction without useless attempts to correct with Coverme. As tried again and again on 11/1/23 for hours. Through 2 separate chats, the representative entered the application with my income. The first resulted in error. The second was very thorough and regardless of correct input, their system was over riding my input income to force MaineCare. The representative told me to hold again, came back on and wrote this was taking too long, that I must call, and abruptly cut the chat. 

Since 2020, my cellphone gets hacked. During a call, suddenly the other party cannot hear me but I hear them. The party hangs up. Every call I made. Documented with a call directly to Maine Corrections Commissioner Randall Liberty

It happened in the jails they kidnapped me into. Court ordered therapy phone sessions because of COVID to force probation violations... Slews of fraudulent evidence from the state of Maine government.

There is no doubt that Coverme.gov will continue this abuse created by them. 

Therefore, as done for the 2023 enrollment, this email documents fraud regardless of documented proof of income, also included in this thread.

I have included receipt of my emails to DHHS Documents Farmington for record. See below. I did take screen shots of the chats with Coverme.gov for record but not necessary to attempt reverse snail speed to upload in this email.

Per Community Health Options, my current Clear Choice Bronze Plan is renewing for 2024. I confirm this renewal.

"Below response confirms the automatic renewal through marketplace, $1,105.81 APTC, with my monthly fee of $2.66."

"In reviewing your policy information for 2024, I do see that your enrollment is currently for the Health Options Clear Choice Bronze $7500 PPO NE plan."


Laurie Allen

17 Seaview Terrace

Belfast, Maine 04915


From: DHHS, Farmington <farmington.dhhs@maine.gov>

Sent: Saturday, November 4, 2023 5:36 AM

To: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>

Subject: Automatic reply: No MaineCare

Thank you for your e-mail. E-mails are processed in the order they are received. Please also be aware that we are a document processing department and if you are a client with case specific questions, you would need to call us at 1-855-797-4357.  

From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>

Sent: Saturday, November 4, 2023 5:36 AM

To: farmington.dhhs@maine.gov <farmington.dhhs@maine.gov>; MemberServices <memberservices@healthoptions.org>; LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>

Subject: Re: No MaineCare

Dear DHHS Farmington,

Coverme over billed me in 2022. My income was the same in 2022 as it is now. I did pay $126.68 for 12 months. The difference should be refunded as an exception to the appeal window, with proof of the same fault on Coverme attempting to overbill in 2023 and upcoming 2024. 

See the the table below from Community Health Options. Thank you CHO. Your immediate responses are excellent.


Laurie Allen

From: MemberServices <memberservices@healthoptions.org

Sent: Friday, November 3, 2023 12:45 PM

To: laurieallen55@msn.com <laurieallen55@msn.com>

Cc: laurieallen55@msn.com <laurieallen55@msn.com>

Subject: RE: Overbill yearsRe: No MaineCare

Dear Ms. Allen,

Thank you for contacting Community Health Options. Our goal is to answer all of your questions with courtesy and respect.

I am providing you with a simple table that will show you what your premium payment was at the start of the year and end of the year according to what is shown in our records. Unfortunately, if premium amounts were quoted over the phone by CoverME to you personally, I do not have any information available to explain why there would be a difference. Typically, annual income initially reported at the time of enrollment and income changes throughout the year are what would cause the amount you pay each month to fluctuate. We only see the finalized updates sent from them. I hope this helps!

    Year                              Premium $ January                             Premium $ December                2016                                       $71.11                                                 $71.11

    2019                                       $0.00                                                   $0.00

    2020                                       $9.14                                                   $9.14

    2021                                       $2.01                                                   $2.01

    2022                                       $126.68                                               $126.68

    2023                                       $2.58                                                   $2.58

From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>

Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2023 9:02 PM

To: farmington.dhhs@maine.gov <farmington.dhhs@maine.gov>; LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>; MemberServices <memberservices@healthoptions.orgSubject: Re: No MaineCare

Dear DHHS Farmington,

Below response confirms the automatic renewal through marketplace, $1,105.81 APTC, with my monthly fee of $2.66.

Please rectify this as the error is with coverme.gov and refusal to correct their error. 

Coverme member services refused this email.

I notified and documented my income of $35,152.00 with my bank statement direct deposits to DHHS Documents Farmington on the first day coverme.gov began open enrollment, 11/1/2023. This should be resolved immediately since your message states emails are worked in order of receiving.

I hope this will be corrected by Monday. Please confirm resolution by this email. Previously, DHHS Farmington did respond quickly through email when I had to apply for food stamps. In fact, that is when my ex-husband retired. Alimony had to be reinstated and the pension took a few months to get in retroactive place. I did not use the full food stamp allotment because the direct deposits began.

My automatic renewal must be originally reinstated as Community Health Options confirms below to the Health Options Clear Choice Bronze $7500 PPO NE plan. I am keeping that plan.

"In reviewing your policy information for 2024, I do see that your enrollment is currently for the Health Options Clear Choice Bronze $7500 PPO NE plan."


Laurie Allen

17 Seaview Terrace

Belfast, Maine 04915

From: MemberServices <memberservices@healthoptions.org>Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:53 PM  

To: laurieallen55@msn.com <laurieallen55@msn.com>       Subject: RE: No MaineCare

Dear Ms.Allen,

Thank you for contacting Community Health Options. Our goal is to answer all of your questions with courtesy and respect.

In reviewing your policy information for 2024, I do see that your enrollment is currently for the Health Options Clear Choice Bronze $7500 PPO NE plan. You have from now until December 15, 2023 to change your plan selection however, it can only be done through CoverME (state-based marketplace) to ensure the proper advanced premium tax credits are applied to your premium. I do not see any updates for it to be changed to a silver level plan as of today.  I also see that you copied several others on your initial email so I hope your request makes it to the appropriate individual who is able to assist you with making this plan change. It can be done on the CoverME.gov website or by phone at 866-636-0355 however I understand that you do not have a phone line available at this time. We will look forward to receiving your updated plan choice in the near future. 

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to respond to this email or call Member Services at (855) 624-6463, weekdays between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of assistance.

Member Services Email Team

Community Health Options

P.O. Box 1121

Lewiston, ME 04243

Member Services: 855-624-6463 www.HealthOptions.org

From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>

Sent: Wednesday, November 1, 2023 1:29 PM

To: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>; farmington.dhhs@maine.gov <farmington.dhhs@maine.gov>; MemberServices <memberservices@healthoptions.org>; Membersevice@coverme.gov <Membersevice@coverme.gov>

Subject: No MaineCare

DHHS Farmington,

My income is $1429.34 pension x 12= $17,152.08 and $350 wk alimony x 52= $18,200, totalling= $35,362.08 yearly. No other income.

Coverme.gov sent a message stating my income as $35,174.72, that I did not qualify for MaineCare and I had to pick the silver plan.

Next, I received a message today stating coverme automatically renewed my marketplace insurance with Community health options, bronze, 0000032767 ID.image/jpeg

I am unable to make phone calls and do not have a computer or printing. On my phone, on coverme, the chat assistant could not change my plan to the silver.

We completed a new application online, same information as the year before and same income.

After submitting, Coverme sent message that it is likely I am eligible for MaineCare and not eligible for Marketplace insurance.

I uploaded my bank statement showing direct deposit of pension $1429.34 and $700 for biweekly of the $350 wk alimony.

The chat assistant tried to fix the problem and could not even though entering the correct incomes. MaineCare income limit for 1 adult on Maine.gov is $1,677 month x 12= $20,124. My income is $35, 362.08.

I am housebound and cannot travel. 

Here is my bank statement for proof. Please respond to this email that my marketplace insurance is renewed with Community health options for 2024. With my plan of silver as messaged. If that was a mistake then please advise and renew with bronze

Thank you,

Laurie Allen

17 Seaview Terrace

Belfast, Maine 04915

Governor Mills, legislative branch, AG, etc. will not assist and support abuse to coverup proven state corruption


11/18/23 email sent to Laurie's List @1:08 pm. More on BoycottBelfast.blogspot.com (my current primary blog/history)

Also sent this FB post and cellphone picture to Laurie's List 11/19 @ 8 am and posted on BoycottBelfast.blogspot.com 

"Sent email to Laurie's List 11/19 7:28am "FYI 11/18/23 email successfully posted 11/19/23 on SenatorAngusKing.blogspot.com

& BoycottBelfast.blogspot.com" With cell phone picture proof where fixes don't work, hacked for weeks to stop calling for catastrophic silence. Set her house on fire? All smoke/carbon monoxide alarms working and chimney clean as a whistle. Woodstock soapstone stove burning safe fire bricks at steady, safe temperature. No need for space heaters. No reason for fire and I am home 24/7 protecting LaurieLargo.'

From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2023 1:08 PM
To: georgeallen99 <georgeallen99@msn.com>;charlesbeck7@gmail.com<charlesbeck7@gmail.com>;Rschneider@mainepublic.org<Rschneider@mainepublic.org>;cbeck@mainepublic.org<cbeck@mainepublic.org>;mvogelzang@mainepublic.org<mvogelzang@mainepublic.org>;kshortall@mainepublic.org<kshortall@mainepublic.org>;Judycwoodruff@gmail.com<Judycwoodruff@gmail.com>;attorney.general@maine.gov<attorney.general@maine.gov>; Governor <governor@maine.gov>;susan.gagnon@maine.gov<susan.gagnon@maine.gov>; Senator Susan Collins <susan@collins.senate.gov>;Randall.liberty@maine.gov<Randall.liberty@maine.gov>;district1@waldocountyme.gov<district1@waldocountyme.gov>; Jeffrey Trafton <sheriff@waldocountyme.gov>; Kathleen Greeley <vwaa@waldocountyme.gov>;chief@belfastmepd.org<chief@belfastmepd.org>;mayor@cityofbelfast.org<mayor@cityofbelfast.org>;ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org<ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org>;ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org<ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org>;ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org<ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org>;ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org<ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org>;ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org<ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org>;citymanager@cityofbelfast.org<citymanager@cityofbelfast.org>;cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org<cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org>;Deputyclerk@cityofbelfast.org<Deputyclerk@cityofbelfast.org>;planner@cityofbelfast.org<planner@cityofbelfast.org>; Annie McGowan <assessing@cityofbelfast.org>;assessor@cityofbelfast.org<assessor@cityofbelfast.org>;info@belfastwater.org<info@belfastwater.org>; William Entwisle <assistantda@waldocountyme.gov>;Districtattorney@waldocountyme.gov<Districtattorney@waldocountyme.gov>;Brooke.otis@courts.maine.gov<Brooke.otis@courts.maine.gov>;Lawcourt.clerk@courts.maine.gov<Lawcourt.clerk@courts.maine.gov>; bob richards <publicworks@cityofbelfast.org>; Perry, Bethany M <Bethany.M.Perry@maine.gov>; LIHEAP Email <liheap@Waldocap.org>;Cransom@waldocap.org<cransom@waldocap.org>; Fsp <frontstreetpub@yahoo.com>;Angletreeplumbing@gmail.com<Angletreeplumbing@gmail.com>;jb@frontstreetshipyard.com<jb@frontstreetshipyard.com>;snorman@belfastlibrary.org<snorman@belfastlibrary.org>;Bharrington@belfastlibrary.org<Bharrington@belfastlibrary.org>;ethankingcole@gmail.com<ethankingcole@gmail.com>;whistleblower@cbsnews.com<whistleblower@cbsnews.com>;circulation@mainetoday.com<circulation@mainetoday.com>; Info@aclu.org<Info@aclu.org>;Investigatethis@apmreports.org<Investigatethis@apmreports.org>;rosellilaw@aol.com <rosellilaw@aol.com>; Molly Ross <mross@rsu71.org>;office@firstchurchinbelfast.org<office@firstchurchinbelfast.org>;Office@mainefuels.com<Office@mainefuels.com>;valeriemank@gmail.com<valeriemank@gmail.com>;news@pressherald.com<news@pressherald.com>;news@penbaypilot.com<news@penbaypilot.com>;wmcdc@womensmediacenter.com<wmcdc@womensmediacenter.com>;wmcny@womensmediacenter.com<wmcny@womensmediacenter.com>; Democracy Now! <announcement@democracynow.org>;tgroening@islandinstitute.org<tgroening@islandinstitute.org>;tips@theintercept.com<tips@theintercept.com>; tips@slate.com<tips@slate.com>; desk@cbs2NY.com <desk@cbs2NY.com>; nytnews@nytimes.com<nytnews@nytimes.com>;gloriasteinemoffice@gmail.com<gloriasteinemoffice@gmail.com>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <info@cfj.org>; June M. Moore <juneryan@hotmail.com>; Childno4@aol.com<childno4@aol.com>; Kath13een@gmail.com<kath13een@gmail.com>;jeninmexico74@gmail.com<jeninmexico74@gmail.com>;elizatownsend@myfairpoint.net<elizatownsend@myfairpoint.net>; lora mills <loramills@yahoo.com>; dave reardon <spookyproducer@gmail.com>;neal@nealparent.com<neal@nealparent.com>; jkirlin@gmail.com<jkirlin@gmail.com>; rosicostello@gmail.com<rosicostello@gmail.com>;kathleenkearns@gmail.com<kathleenkearns@gmail.com>;ned.lightner@gmail.com<ned.lightner@gmail.com>; einstein@toast.net<einstein@toast.net>; Clif Staples <tcsofme@gmail.com>; Rick <rknudson6@yahoo.com>;samseljoseph@gmail.com<samseljoseph@gmail.com>;senator@king.senate.gov<senator@king.senate.gov>;Ben.smith@semafor.com<Ben.smith@semafor.com>;Press@globalhumanrights.org<Press@globalhumanrights.org>;Hannah.allam@washingtonpost.com<Hannah.allam@washingtonpost.com>;Info@polisci.wisc.edu<Info@polisci.wisc.edu>; Suhay@american.edu<Suhay@american.edu>;lsa@lawandsociety.org<lsa@lawandsociety.org>; l-nielsen@northwestern.edu <l-nielsen@northwestern.edu>;rachel.weiner@washingtonpost.com<rachel.weiner@washingtonpost.com>;Jan.Dodge@legislature.maine.gov<Jan.Dodge@legislature.maine.gov>; Governor <governor@maine.gov>; Stacey Abrams <info@staceyabrams.com>; Jon Carman <wwtp@cityofbelfast.org>;jb@frontstreetshipyard.com<jb@frontstreetshipyard.com>;Chip.Curry@legislature.maine.gov<Chip.Curry@legislature.maine.gov>;chief@belfastmepd.org<chief@belfastmepd.org>;donald.lombardi@stevens.edu<donald.lombardi@stevens.edu>;jose.abad@stevens.edu<jose.abad@stevens.edu>;President@stevens.edu<President@stevens.edu>;Cos.mcgrath@stevens.edu<Cos.mcgrath@stevens.edu>;Susan.metz@stevens.edu<Susan.metz@stevens.edu>;Gregory.townsend@stevens.edu<Gregory.townsend@stevens.edu>;Phyllis.ruiz@stevens.edu<Phyllis.ruiz@stevens.edu>;rvezza@starledger.com<rvezza@starledger.com>;Mercedes.mckay@stevens.edu<Mercedes.mckay@stevens.edu>;acurtis@bangordailynews.com<acurtis@bangordailynews.com>; LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Subject: Re: King5All/Lwstn FraudBeckFlwrRapeMnmth8/21/19BDN Guilty

Today's post on BoycottBelfast.blogspot.com & SenatorAngusKing.blogspot.com

Since 2014, when I went public with the lethal globally system connected, drug rapist, Professor Dr. Donald Lombardi PhD currently at Steven's Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, diabolical attempts to silence me are documented, proven, and fail. Further evidenced by any government agencies/officials/ACLU/PBS and more that refuse to take investigative action of criminal crimes against me through their systems to protect themselves.

MaineHealth Selected as Innovation Partner in
National High-Value Health Collaborative 
Health systems and Department of Defense join collaborative to share data on outcomes,
quality and costs across range of costly conditions and treatments
PORTLAND, Maine - May 17, 2011- MaineHealth, the state's largest integrated healthcare system...

Rape Retribution. Lombardi and system ring 4 profit. Sickening. His bio is below.  Fabrication to make me a felon in 2017 and keep me in their systems until gone. More first person horrors on BoycottBelfast.blogspot.com ) 
Circles of rape and "commercial" rape.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023 BOSTON – Three individuals have been arrested in connection with operating sophisticated high-end brothels in greater Boston and eastern Virginia. Commercial sex buyers allegedly included elected officials, high tech and pharmaceutical executives, doctors, military officers, government contractors that possess security clearances, professors, attorneys, scientists and accountants, among others. ...

Dr. Donald Lombardi PhD Steven's Institute of Technology Hoboken NJ ...
Donald N. Lombardi is Industry Professor of Healthcare, director of the Stevens Healthcare Educational Partnership, and academic director of the Veterans Office at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey. He has consulted to more than 170 health care organizations in all 50 states and ten foreign countries, has developed seven accreditation programs for the American College of Healthcare Executives since 1986, and has written eleven books, including Handbook for the New Health Care Manager. Dr. Lombardi holds more than fifty U.S. copyrights on organizational planning, management, and development systems for text, on-site, and on-line delivery.

Dr. Donald Lombardi
Industry Associate Professor
420 Babbio
 School:  School of Business


  • 1984 Post-doctorate studies in Organizational Development
  • 1983 Ph.D. – Organizational Psychology
  • 1978 MA – Human Resources Management
  • 1976 BA - English

 Over 25 years of diverse executive level management experience including founding and leading an organizational development consulting firm with more than 200 clients, leading the planning and development activities of a 10,000+ student university, developing and leading a unique online graduate education program, leading professional development for a $20B pharmaceutical firm, and publishing eleven books and over 50 articles on leadership, management, strategic management and human capital development.

CHR/InterVista 1984 – present
Founding Partner and Chief Executive Officer

Seton Hall University 1988 – 2004
University Director of Planning and Development

Bristol-Myers Corporation 1982 – 1984
Director of Professional Development

American Hospital Supply Corporation 1980 - 1982
Eastern Director – Human Resources
Institutional Service
Senior Faculty Associate 1988 - 2004
Department of Communication


Stevens Veterans' Office - Faculty Liaison


 Taught a range of graduate communication courses in both the on-campus and on-line graduate programs. Averaged fifteen contact credits per semester. Student evaluations were consistently ranked in the upper 2% of all University faculty. Developed four new graduate courses for both the on-line and on-campus modalities. Designed and delivered the University’s first cross-cultural communications and awareness program for all faculty, staff and employees. Member of numerous committees including search committees for new faculty and Dean positions. Advised several student service organizations as well as the Department of Athletics and the Division of Student Affairs.

Faculty Associate 1978 – 1988

Taught graduate courses at Fordham University, including Organizational Behavior, Organizational Theory, Strategic Planning and Change, and Professional Development. Also have taught and designed communication, management and leadership courses at both the graduate and undergraduate level at Stevens Institute of Technology, Monmouth University, the University of Maryland, the University of Scranton, Centenary College, Syracuse University, LeMoyne College, Middlesex County College and Coastal Carolina Community College.
Professional Service
United States Marine Corps                    
1976 -1980

Held progressive billets as a human affairs officer, field and sea communication officer, and educational director; original programs designed and still in use include the GED Proficiency Program and the Base Community Relations Program. Received two Commanding General’s Commendations; youngest officer commissioned in the 1970’s. 
As the youngest officer commissioned in the United States Marine Corps during the 1970s, he instituted numerous educational and management systems that were lauded by both military and civilian experts. He has acted as a healthcare advisor to legislators and government administrators at the state and federal levels and has implemented strategic plans, educational systems and organizational development programs for Barnabas Health System, SUNY Stony Brook Medical Center, more than 40 Veterans Administration Medical Centers, the Visiting Nursing Association of New Jersey, the University of Maryland Medical System and the Republic of the Marshall Islands.

Dr. Lombardi was selected as the Alexander Crombie Humphreys Distinguished Professor at Stevens Institute of Technology in 2014 and was recently selected as Outstanding Teacher of the Year by the Stevens Alumni Association (2016) and Outstanding Professor of the Year by the Stevens Student Government Association (2017).

Achievements & Professional Societies
Professional Societies
  • Faculty Fellow – American College of Healthcare Executives
  • Senior Fellow – The Government Institute
  • Senior Advisor – Executive Educational Council of the Department of    Veterans Affairs

Grants, Contracts & Funds

Department of Labor and Workforce Development Cycle 5/Stevens Healthcare Educational Partnership Grant

Selected Publications

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (2006). Health Care Management. , New York: John Wiley & Sons.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (2002). Handbook for the New Healthcare Manager, Second Edition. , New York: John Wiley and Sons.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1997). Reorganization and Renewal: Strategies for Healthcare Leaders. , Chicago: Health Administration Press.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1996). Thriving in an Age of Change: Practical Strategies for Health Care Leaders., Chicago: Health Administration Press.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1994). The Healthcare Organizational Survey System, Chicago: American Hospital Publishing, Inc.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1993). Handbook for the New Healthcare Manager. , Chicago: American Hospital Publishing, Inc.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1992). Progressive Healthcare Management Strategies,Chicago: American Hospital Publishing, Inc. .

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1990). Stress and the Healthcare Environment. , Ann Arbor: Health Administration Press.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1988). Handbook of Personnel Selection and Performance Evaluation in Healthcare., San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.


  • Lombardi, D.N.. (2005). "Preparing for the Future: Leadership and Management Strategies. ", Healthcare Executive, (11), 8-14.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1994). "The Pyramid Organization: Maximizing Performance ".

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1994). "The Last Public Trust", Administrative Radiology, (1).

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1994). "How to Diagnose and Treat Conflict in Your Department. ", Materials Management in Healthcare, (1).

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1993). "Human Resource Management in the Health Care Setting", Hospital and Health Services Administration, (3), 298-299.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1992). "Healthcare and the New Union Movement", Materials Administrative Radiology, (4), 16-21.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1991). "The New Pyramid: Laying the Groundwork with Motivational Power", Administrative Radiology, (6), 45 - 50.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1991). "Ethics and the Organizational Human Resources Strategy. ", Clinical Laboratory Management, (1), 31-39.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1990). "Progressive Leadership with Values: Progressive Strategies for Healthcare Management", Chicago: ACHE.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1990). "Urban Healthcare in Crisis", Administrative Radiology, (2), 14-22.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1990). "Ethics , Healthcare and the 1990’s: Part 1", Clinical Laboratory Management, (6), 416-425.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1990). "Ethics of the Heart and Mind. ", Administrative Radiology, (10), 17-22.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1990). "Intraprenuerial Constituency Management: A Success Profile for the 1990’s", Hospital Material Management Quarterly, (11), 26-31.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1990). "Eliminating Future Tense", Administrative Radiology, (9).

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1988). "Mind Trust: Dimensions of Healthcare Leadership", Administrative Radiology, (9), 25-29.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1988). "Performance Evaluation Techniques", Administrative Radiology, (5), 35-39.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1988). "The InterVista Performance Evaluation.", Los Angeles: Proformance Press.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1987). "The Quan-Com Selection Series", Los Angeles: Proformance Press.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1987). "Managing Healthcare Intraprenuers.", Chicago: ACHE Publications.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1987). "Healthcare Leadership Qualities", Chicago: American College of Healthcare Executives.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1987). "Healthcare Selection and Performance Appraisal Systems. ", Chicago: ACHE Publications.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1987). "Selection for Proformance.", Los Angeles: Proformance Press.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1987). "Managing the Pace and Pressure of Today’s Healthcare Environment. ", Chicago: American College of Healthcare Executives.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1986). "Maximizing Managerial Performance. ", Chicago: American College of Healthcare Executives.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1988). "Maximizing Human Resources.", Administrative Radiology, (6), 45-48.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1986). "Intrapreneurs: Finding Diamonds in the Rough.", Healthcare Executives, (5), 43 - 48

  •   2014 post - I am sorry sorry for not posting this sooner but I had to be ready for the disbelief ...

    Their access to military cyberspace hacking is proven. Erasing/changing any information to continue protection of their corruption. Proven with the 2 articles from the Bangor Daily News erased from internet search or fraudulently edited from the original print, copied and pasted from my files below. Proving my innocence and unwaivering truth.

    Neighbors including MPBN VP CHARLES BECK & MaineHealth with the State of Maine,  are guilty of treasonous actions to destroy Little America, family, self, and home of 17 Seaview Terror, Belfast, Maine 04915.
    Now - Attempts by Aubuchon Hardware to sell the unknown "special order" fire bricks. I was able to get in stock fire bricks elsewhere, to heat my home solely for 2 more freezing Maine winters.
    - Attempts by Coverme.gov to fraudulently
    make me uninsured via denial of Federal Marketplace automatic renewal of insurance Community Health Options Clear Choice Bronze, Lewiston, Maine. 

    Knowing my phone and only communication has been hacked, unable to make calls for weeks, regardless of fixes. All to force catastrophic end to Little America. Sound mind and healthy. Hanging on through self lock down for years and years, texting, emails, and blogging. HELP!

    State of InHuMaine Gaza Strip/Ukraine. Come on Senator Angus King. Be Thee Change.

    Belfast woman fights city over drainage

    By Tom Groening, BDN Staff
    Posted May 14, 2012, at 6:41 p.m. 
    Last modified May 14, 2012, at 8:17 p.m


    Belfast woman fights city over drainage

    By Tom Groening, BDN Staff
    Posted May 14, 2012, at 6:41 p.m. 
    Last modified May 14, 2012, at 8:17 p.m.

    Laurie Allen gestures to the stream that runs behind her house on Seaview Terrace in Belfast on Thursday, May 10, 2012. She believes the city's decisions about stormwater management have contributed to making the stream larger and more damaging to her property.
    BELFAST, Maine — A woman whose backyard is bounded by a stream she claims the city has created and increased in size remains locked in conflict with city hall.
    Laurie Allen of Seaview Terrace, a street that intersects Northport Avenue near Waldo County General Hospital, can be seen on some weekends carrying placards through the downtown that read “Belfast Bullies.” She maintains a blog on the issue and is a frequent speaker at City Council meetings, claiming the council is conspiring against her as she fights to keep her home dry and her backyard intact.
    City officials maintain that the water flow, seen especially during rainy spells such as the area has experienced in the last few weeks, is part of the natural and managed drainage. Much of the city is built on a hill that pitches east to Penobscot Bay.
    For Allen, the saga began last year. In June 2010, she purchased the house after a divorce, moving to Belfast from New Jersey. Last spring the stream behind her split-level ranch house filled.
    “That was when it came gushing over the banks,” she said last week.
    Except as far as Allen is concerned, it’s not a stream. The trench through which the water flows along her backyard was created when the flow was diverted, Allen said, when the Seaview Terrace subdivision was built in 1965. The natural drainage probably followed a course to the south of its current course, she said.
    This is a point on which city officials and Allen agree. City Planner Wayne Marshall said aerial photos of the city from 1939 and 1957 show the stream, though it is likely that it was to the south of its current course.
    But the city maintains that it has no responsibility to fix the problem. The subdivision, built as it was under the laws of the day, was legal and approved.
    On Thursday, May 10, after a couple of days of heavy rain, Allen showed where the stream flowed, noting especially how the bank closest to her house had begun eroding. Her property line lies on the opposite bank of the stream, she said, pointing to a survey stake.
    “I probably lost 4 to 5 feet of property,” she said.
    Allen asserts that water has plagued the neighborhood for years, in both backyards and on the street side. Marshall confirms that in 1987, at the request of residents, the city engineer completed a report that examined the problem. It concluded the city was not on the hook for any fix.
    Allen also notes that in subsequent years, major new building developments have added to runoff. They include the Captain Albert Stevens School, a townhouse development on Cedar Street, the Volunteers of America senior housing complex on Congress Street, a new hospital complex on the west side of Northport Avenue, and expansions of the Tall Pines nursing home and Mid-Coast Mental Health facility, both adjacent to Seaview Terrace.
    At the top of Seaview Terrace is a culvert, about 40 inches in diameter, which feeds the trench that flows past Allen’s house. A gravel bank prevents water from flowing farther south and instead diverts it east toward the bay. Allen wants that gravel bank removed.
    “I’ve asked for the full history of Seaview Terrace and the flooding,” Allen said. She said she has been stonewalled by city officials, a charge Marshall denies.
    Allen said she worked behind the scenes to help city officials find a practical solution to the problem before going public with her complaints, beginning at a council meeting in November.
    Some of Allen’s neighbors have grown tired of her activism, though. Bud Hand spoke at a recent council meeting asking the city to dissuade Allen from posting signs on her property complaining about her water problem.
    The city’s position, said Marshall, is: “That is an active stream behind her property and it is part of a major drainage basin” for the area. When each new development in the area was built, he said, measures were taken to meet state and local regulations to hold back water from major storms.
    And finally, Marshall said, the city can’t fix problems on private property.
    Allen believes a fix to the water woes would cost her at least $45,000.
    “If you’re not getting services from your city, where do you turn?” she asked.
    Erin Wofford  

    There was information left out of this report. When Miss Allen purchased this property she was not aware of the stream. It was frozen over and covered in snow when she looked at it  and it was not disclosed in the paperwork from the realestate company she purchased through. (she did all this from away) I also want to mentiont that the city claims they can not do work on private property yet the city went through and dug a drainage ditch to drain water from behind the two houses across from her...on private propert. So before you Mainers wo make the "From away" spitefull comments get too excited, do some research before passing judgment. Your just making yourselves look ignorant.

    4/2011 - 10/2017 Relentless requests, speaking at nearly every City Council meeting, many planning board meetings, publicly protesting more than often, for accountability for real estate non disclosure fraud by agents, Brown property inspectors, State of Maine Real Estate Commission, Realtor Earl Black, agents Bill Ingersoll, Jan Andrews, Sam Mitchell, most area agents (shhhh don't tell, $turnover, resell hell to another) DEP Commissioner Aho, FOIA BS With AG Mills/Brenda Keilty Ombudsman, Governor LePage, City Attorney Bill Kelly and Kristen Collins, Waldo County Deeded Registry, Judge Fields, Judge Patricia Worth, Court Clerk Brooke Otis, Chief McFadden, Sheriff Trafton. for forced flooding to Seaview Terrace,  my property and Judicial corruption.

    My number one priority to buy an in town home in Belfast was no water issues inside or out, City services 101 and police protection. All were found to be corrupt and more disturbed as my years of dedication to truth is well documented.

    Belfast woman found guilty of terrorizing city officials

    By Abigail Curtis, BDN Staff   


    Wellington Dunbar If our Maine Law Court upholds this conviction then we have another stake in the heart of free speech.  I hope she doesn't continue to represent herself on any appeal and I hope the MCLU gets involved.  

    Do you know any attorney's to take me pro bono? I'll call the ACLU today. My email is laurieallen55@msn.com. My blog post-8/21/19 ADA Entwisle would not allow me to say the url# for the target shoot during the 2nd day of trial on 8/20/19. As soon as I went to say it he jumped up and objected. I did not understand why I could not say the url. Now I think it's because they didn't want the url identified in the court transcripts. On the first day, 8/16 ADA Entwistle gave a DVD of the target shoot to Judge Murray and did not state it as an exhibit. He told Judge Murray that there were 2 video's but only one was evidence. I objected, stating it must have only the my target shoot as that is the only video. https://youtu.be/XrIOrl3qStwJudge Murray told him to recopy it and get it back to him by day's end. On day 2, I requested to view it to be sure it was my target shoot unedited. It was but when he gave it to Judge Murray, he said it was exhibit B. That was the only exhbit presented by the State for the trial. I questioned why it marked B and not A. Judge Murray acted like it was not an issue. I'm thinking different. Sounds like a bait and switch to me. With 2 years of court manipulation corruption. The trial was for them, not me. It's pontless for me to even try and do the appeal pro se. With 2k to my name, they'll take that in just the transcript fee, maybe even more. There is nothing else I can do. That gives me peace. I know I'm not guilty. I don't lie. I am 58 years old and many from Belfast and Bayside, village of Northport, have known me since 1969. All know that I do not have mental illness. During divorce from 2005-2007 in Middlesex County Family Courts, NJ, the Guardian ad litem, Dr. Rosenbaum did a psychiatric evalutaion. He tried to find something for my ex. He could not and told me that I am fine. In January 2018, the State of Maine motioned for a title 15 state forensic psych. eval. in an attempt to stop me from representing myself pro se. To find me not competent. I won a protection order against Mark Rae, vandalizing, theft, destruction and outright taking of 15-20 ft of my property. Judge Murray had to deny the title 15 and did. Part of the probation is a pysch. eval., therapy and possible medications that have serious side effects, depression and suicidal tendencies. Especially on those that do not have imbalances/disorders. Like me. Please do not drug me and saddle me with an illness to hurt me further. I always comply and will attend therapy. I have done my best to fix what I can and have been punished severely since 2011. I want to be done with this blog, signs and everyone. To be left alone in my home as I have always wanted. Please don't drug me. 8/20/19 Judge Murray found me guilty of terrorizing with a dangerous weapon under the Maine statute definition of terrorizing. Stating that Maine statute basically over rules the 1rst Amendment. I don't buy it and am appealing to the Supreme Court. Murray sentenced me with a class c crime, 18 months jail but due to my age and a clean record, actual jail would be 14 days in Somerset County jail minus time served which is 7 days.. Two years probation, with a psych eval, therapy and meds they will most likely force on me. Where did America go?

    Belfast woman found guilty of terrorizing city officials

    By Abigail Curtis, BDN Staff   


    BELFAST, Maine — A Waldo County judge found a Belfast woman guilty of terrorizing city officials this week at the close of a two-day trial that tested the limits of free speech.

    Laurie Allen, 58, defended herself Tuesday, arguing that the politically charged video she made and shared to YouTube in the fall of 2017 was simply a joke made at the expense of public officials, and should be protected under the First Amendment. The video featured her shooting a rifle and calling out several Belfast officials by name.

    But after just a half hour of deliberation, Justice Robert Murray said he found Allen’s threats to be both credible and not protected under the law.

    “Constitutional free speech is not unlimited,” he ruled. “There are in fact credible threats that can be made by an individual that are not constitutionally protected.”

    Allen was sentenced to 18 months in prison for the Class C charge of terrorizing with a dangerous weapon. All but 14 days of the sentence will be suspended. She may be credited for time already served when she was initially arrested in February 2018. Allen also was sentenced to two years of probation, during which time she is not allowed to have contact with the seven local officials named in the video.

    Allen also will not be allowed to possess or use dangerous weapons, and must undergo a mental health evaluation and treatment as part of the court’s mandate.

    The state had asked that she also be denied access to the internet, but Murray did not agree to that condition.

    Allen, who asked for her sentence to be temporarily stayed, was shocked at the verdict. She told the judge that if she had thought the video was illegal or that officials would take it as a threat, she would never have posted it.

    “Where did America go?” she asked after leaving the courtroom.

    Allen wrote a reaction on her personal blog where she often criticizes local officials.

    A joke or a threat?

    Allen, who has a yearsl history of conflict with city officials and others and who acted as her own attorney during the trial, did not take the witness stand. In her closing statement, she said she had never meant harm and that her lack of violent acts over the past eight years should show she is not a threat. She said she does not own a gun and had only fired a gun on that single occasion.

    “[I made] a flippant remark, a joke, that I thought would remain private on my playlist,” she said of the video.

    Over the course of the trial, the judge heard from each city official that was named: Councilors Mike Hurley, Eric Sanders, Mary Mortier and Neal Harkness; former Councilor John Arrison; City Manager Joe Slocum; and Director of Code & Planning Wayne Marshall. Each described how they became scared of Allen.

    Mortier, the only witness to testify Tuesday, described an incident that took place five or so years ago, when she arrived early for a meeting at City Hall and found that Allen was parked outside the building. When Mortier got out of her car, she said Allen came up to her and started screaming and cursing, calling her a murderer and saying that the councilor had murdered her children.

    “This was the beginning of the ramping up,” Mortier said.

    In January 2018, the city councilor said she was standing near the bananas at a Hannaford grocery store when she was accosted again.

    “Ms. Allen was nearby and saw me. She started yelling and cursing at the top of her lungs. She called me a murderer,” Mortier said. “As I moved to the bread aisle, she continued. I got out of the store as fast as I could, but you could hear her halfway through the store. That was the night I became very fearful of my safety.”

    After that night, Mortier changed her behavior. She installed motion detector lights outside her home and won’t walk into City Hall alone. Then she saw the YouTube video.

    “I was petrified,” Mortier said.

    When Assistant District Attorney Bill Entwisle asked what she was afraid of, the councilor did not hesitate before responding.

    “That I was going to be killed,” she said.

    Verdict ‘a relief’

    But Allen, in her closing statement, said that Mortier and the other witnesses had no evidence to back up their statements of fear. She also read out loud the entirety of an article published in 2010 in the online magazine Slate.com that described how the First Amendment protects the right to free expression, as long as there is not a genuine intent to commit or incite violence. In her eight years of fighting City Hall, she said she has never been violent.

    “Is it legal to take aim at a representation of the president — and this also applies to public officials?” Allen said. “Absolutely.”

    But Entwisle said in his closing statement that he believed the state’s evidence clearly established that Allen had made a threat to commit a crime dangerous to human life and placed people in reasonable fear they would be hurt. He said that by posting the target shooting video to a public platform, Allen was clearly communicating the threat.

    “Each named individual took it as being very real,” he said. “This is Belfast, Maine. It’s real. It’s close. It’s not something that can be dismissed by just saying, ‘First Amendment.’”

    Sanders said later Tuesday that the verdict came as a relief.

    “I feel that the judge heard my concerns. Let’s hope Laurie does,” he said. “We’re all concerned about our safety.”


    From: DHHS, Farmington <farmington.dhhs@maine.gov>
    Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2023 8:27 PM
    To: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
    Subject: Automatic reply: DHHSRe: 3rd final reqRe: No MaineCare


    Thank you for your e-mail. E-mails are processed in the order they are received. Please also be aware that we are a document processing department and if you are a client with case specific questions, you would need to call us at 1-855-797-4357.  

    From: Senator Angus King <Senator@King.senate.gov>
    Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2023 9:04 PM
    To: laurieallen55@msn.com <laurieallen55@msn.com>
    Subject: Re: withholding Fed Marketplace APTC
    Thank you for contacting me. Please accept this automated response as confirmation that I have received your communication. I am honored to represent you and the à of Maine here in the United States Senate. If you need immediate assistance, please contact the staff in one of my offices; their locations and phone numbers are below. 

    I place great emphasis on making sure each message I receive is reviewed, responded to, and used to inform my work in Washington. I appreciate the chance to hear what's on your mind. Thank you for reaching out. 

    Best Regards, 

    Senator Angus S. King, Jr. 

       2nd email, 11/21/23. My insurance, Community Health Options, Lewiston was informed to rescind my federal marketplace application. My income is the same as it was in 2022 with Marketplace/APTC as it is now 36,694. Please see documentation on SenatorAngusKing.blogspot.com and hacking to stop applications and phone calls. Chat cut the line intentionally. I cannot make calls as blog shows phone screen shot not allowing calls. For weeks now. Fixes don't work and I am housebound. Information was just emailed to DHHS Documents Farmington, screenshots, 2002 tax returns, etc. I wrote that they can share the email thread, tax returns, screenshots, and everything with Senator Angus King. As written in the first message, my current 2023 coverage is through Marketplace APTC with Community Health Options Lewiston Maine. Clear Choice Bronze. Please intervene and make coverme.gov correct and renew. This is intentional to deny my coverage. LiHeap corrupted my benefits and destryoed my furnace. This should be investigated by your office as well but is not a priority. Health insurance is priority. Please respond via email,  by December 1, 2023, Friday, 5 business days. Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving. Laurie Allen.

    From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
    Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2023 8:25 PM
    To: farmington.dhhs@maine.gov <farmington.dhhs@maine.gov>; MemberServices <memberservices@healthoptions.org>; LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
    Subject: DHHSRe: 3rd final reqRe: No MaineCare

    Dear DHHS Documents Farmington,

    Please help. Below, Community Health Options states coverme has terminated my 2024 enrollment but I have not received any message. See screenshot of messages. I did receive a message on 11/2/23 stating my 2022 tax returns were needed for my 2024 application for MaineCare qualification I sent my State and Federal returns yesterday, 11/20/23 shown in the screen shot below. My income then and now is the same, $36,694. I attached those returns for DHHS Documents Farmington to see that I do not qualify for MaineCare. 

    I tried to do another application online but it would not let me check any questions to begin income input. As before. See screenshot of application history. Current application, #1493059 states determined but that was before I sent my tax returns yesterday. It also shows the new application I tried, showing as draft. Unable to proceed. Pointless to try chat again as they cut me off as explained in previous email.
    My phone is still not able to make calls as has been for 2 weeks. See screenshot.

    I have contacted Senator Angus King and gave him this information and that DHHS Documents Farmington has that documents to prove coverme.gov is corrupting my federal Marketplace healthcare APTC and coverage. The Senator is responsible to assist with federal programs to Maine residents. You have my permission to share my tax returns and this email thread with Senator King and coverme.gov. Senator King's website does not have uploading and does not accept copy and pasting. 

    Please respond with actions taken.

    Laurie Allen
    17 Seaview Terrace
    Belfast, Maine 04915


    Coverme.gov intentionally rejected tax returns that prove income is over MaineCare limit. Trying to deny Marketplace health insurance (Community Health Options Lewiston Maine) that I have had for many, many years. Seems another State of Maine plan to silence me for all their escalating corruption. Senator Angus King has yet to respond and probably won't. Enabling corruption. I tried to contact Healthcare.gov directly but hacked. Can't proceed on site to contact. Page is blank. Can't make calls. Tragic abuse and destruction to democracy. Democratic hypocrites are the worst.



    Sent to Senator Angus King, both email lists,
    & posted on 3 blogs.

    "cosby-sued-nevada-9-women-claim-drugged/story?id=100105618"...The Nevada lawsuit, filed Wednesday, alleges that Cosby engaged in the serial sexual assault of dozens of women, including the plaintiffs, by "drugging women and using unknown substances to incapacitate them."

    "Each Plaintiff was sexually battered, assaulted, and abused by defendant Cosby in the same or similar manner, as a part of the same conduct, occurrence, plan, or scheme that was perpetrated, conducted, organized, and/or performed in Nevada by defendant Cosby," the women alleged in the suit."


    After Cosby was outted as a drug rapist in 2014, I had to out Lombardi. Globally, system after system. Rape is thee worst violation. System protection provides rape pandemic with criminal torture club. Supported by United States Power. Cowards. Using the 5th from their office and fabricating lies and charges to silence truth. My life long, spotless record. Known well.

    PandemicA pandemic is a widespread outbreak of a disease that has spread across multiple countries or even continents, affecting a large number of people. A pandemic is considered to be a global health emergency, and it requires a coordinated international response to contain and mitigate its spread.


    Laurie Allen "


    Also posted on SenatorAngusKing.blogspot.com with details of his Federal power for global system rapists and healthcare fraud. Poisoning my battered body with cancer via  MaineHealth & State of Maine forced drugging. Drug King Pin Rapist, Dr. Donald Lombardi PhD, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, Pharmaceutical KillHer Special Order.

    Without Norah Hogan and the Associated Press reporting this system eternal silencing,  escalation is endless to the youngest of our hearts. Please do.

    Laurie Allen


    commitment, the Title IX Coordinator and the Office of Community Standards offer both in-person and virtual training programs to faculty, staff, and students.  These trainings are designed to educate and engage our community members around topics including sexual health, sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, sexual violence, Clery reporting and Campus Safety Authorities, and various related topics. 

    As required by Title IX, Stevens provides access to training materials either via the links set forth below or upon request directed to the Title IX Coordinator, Dr. Stacy Fisher via email at sflowers@stevens.edu or by calling 201.216.3383.  
